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Several years later

Even if Sir Nighteye could have seen decades into the future, Toshinori Yagi wouldn't have believed that he could ever be as lucky as he is now. Meeting Y/n L/n had been the best damn thing to happen to him and he wasn't too shy to yell it from the rooftops. That woman saved him, saved his predecessor's grandson, and helped him create his own loving family. Y/n and Tenko took on the Yagi name after she got married to Toshinori and Tenko was adopted by them. Y/n birthed a set of twins when Tenko was five years old. Both were girls, and Tenko doted on them 24/7. 

Right now, Toshinori watched shamelessly as Y/n paraded around the kitchen in a pair of his merch booty shorts and crop top while cooking dinner. Tenko and the girls were having a sleepover at Eri's. So they had the night to themselves. Toshinori heaved himself off the couch after seeing his wife struggling to reach the cabinet above the fridge. "Need a lift?" His hands gripped around her waist as he lifted her up to reach. She grabbed what she needed and he set her down. "Thank you. Now I need you to scooch out of the kitchen. There's not enough room for two cooks in here." Toshinori laughed as his hands spun her around softly. He lifted her up and sat her on the countertop. "But there's more than enough room for other activities." His tone dropped low as his lips drew closer to hers. He caught her in a heated kiss.

Y/n broke the kiss as she swatted at him. "Look at you distracting me! My biscuits are burning!" Toshinori playfully nipped at her neck before she grabbed the spatula. "Alright, alright. I'm leaving!" Y/n hopped off the counter and pulled out the biscuits. She set the hot tray down and shut the oven. She felt Toshinori's finger pinch her shorts and pull them, letting it go so they would make a loud snap. "When is dinner gonna be ready?" With a sigh and a roll of her eyes Y/n spun around with a spatula in hand. 

"When you get the hell outta my kitchen and quit harassing me!" Toshinori let out a roar of a laugh as his wife chased him out of the kitchen like an angry swan. He retrieved the spatula from her hand and pulled her in for a quick kiss. "I love you." Y/n's brows twitched as she refrained from slapping him. "I fucking love you too." Toshinori grinned as he handed the spatula back. "Dinner is ready." 

Word Count: 441

Entire Work Word Count: 23,197

Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed my work, please leave some feedback on how good/bad my story was. I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

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