Chapter Two

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Present Day

Y/n's body curled over the railing of a bridge as her body heaved what little food she had in her stomach. The bitter cold was how she got so sick, yet she was still having to work in it to keep her life. She suppressed a gag as she pulled her buzzing phone from her pocket. "Has the mission been completed? What are you doing?" Y/n groaned as another wave of nausea rolled over her. "Yes, It's done... I'm currently vomiting over a fucking bridge. Last time I checked, I still have a fucking stomach virus, but I already got the memo that you give no fucks." 

"Still as vulgar as ever I see. I wanted to congratulate you, You've been given the rest of the week off. Next Monday you are to report for your next mission. From what I heard, it's gonna be big." Y/n sighed as she started to walk down the empty street. "Great. When do I get paid for this one again?" "You'll receive payment once you get home, as usual." Y/n grumbled a response as she waited for the light to turn green so she could cross the street. "I need it now. I need to get some medicine on my way home." All Y/n could hear was some rustling over the phone as she walked. "I'll see what I can do." The phone beeped as the man hung up. Her personal overseer, Hawks, was a pain in her ass. She would have rather dealt with the bitch from day one. 

Seeing a worn-out neon pharmaceuticals sign, Y/n ducked into the small shop and quickly found the cold and flu aisle. "Do you need any help, ma'am?" Her eyes lazily glanced up to see an older man who was probably around her actual age. From the usage of her quirk, she was currently stuck looking twenty-five and had a few extra years that was going to keep her looking young for a while longer. When in actuality she was well into her fifties. "No sir, just browsing for some flu medications." The man rounded the corner and smiled sweetly at her. "I would suggest these then. They are the most powerful flu medicine you can get without a prescription." The man handed her a bottle of cold medicine and a packet of pills. "Thank you." Y/n took them to the register and quickly checked out. As soon as she was out of the shop, she put two of the pills in her mouth and popped the cap off of the liquid medicine. Taking a swig of it to wash down the pills. 

Y/n gagged at the taste, but she forced herself not to throw it back up. She trudged down the slush-covered streets. Even with the heaviest clothes she owned, this particular winter was harsher than the last few. She didn't have clothes heavy enough to withstand it and didn't have the money to buy new ones. An old stretched-out grey beanie hung over her head, with the hood of a dark sweatshirt pulled over it and an insulated jean jacket over it, and her torn-up black jeans were not enough to keep her warm enough. Her only saving grace was that she had enough from her last check to buy good boots, at least she'd still have toes after this winter, her fingers not so much. 

Y/n plopped onto a bench at the bus stop. Her body slumped as the effects of the medicines started to take their toll on her. She couldn't keep her eyes open as flurries started to fall again. A weak cough sputtered from her as her eyes shut and she lost consciousness. 

She had slept for around four hours before someone finally noticed her. Well, what could be seen of her. The snow had picked up again at some point, and now her body was nearly covered in snow. An older man passing by saw her slumped form that had collected an alarming amount of snow and stopped to check on her. "Hello? Ma'am? Are you okay?" His eyes glanced over her face as his fingers met her neck. He felt relief when he felt a weak pulse, but it soon turned to worry again as he realized her lips were blue and her skin was nearly frozen. Quickly he picked her up and jogged towards the first lit-up building he could find. It was a small tea shop that was getting ready to close for the evening and he managed to slip in before they locked up. 

"Please! She's practically frozen! I need to warm her up and call for an ambulance!" The two young women in the shop scurried around trying to find any way to help the poor woman. The man set her down on the floor and searched her pockets. Finding her cell phone and wallet, but there was no form of identification for her. Suddenly her phone began to buzz loudly. 

"Fucking Finally! Where the hell are you, kid?! You've got half the fucking place going crazy!" The man pulled the phone away from his ear at the other man's yelling. "Y/n?" "I don't know who you are or who she is, but your friend is extremely ill. I found her frozen on a bus stop bench. I've got an ambulance on the way to get her, but she's alive." 

"W-what? Where are you?!" The man looked around and saw the name of the shop. "I took her into the tea shop on seventh. I can tell you what hospital the ambulance will take her to when they get her." "Don't bother with them. They are not authorized to move her. I will send someone to get her and take her to a doctor." The man looked down at the girl he saved with shock. "What?" "I said you or anyone else is not authorized to move that woman anywhere. By order of the JHC, you cannot move her till we arrive." 

Police and EMT's arrived at the tea shop, but they didn't touch the woman. Hawks stood over her and checked her over. He allowed a singular EMT to evaluate her condition before sending them away. "I am Toshinori Yagi. I was the one you spoke with over the phone earlier. I found her on a bench at a bus stop. She was pale and her lips were blue. Her body was covered in snow and she was barely breathing." Hawks nodded and picked the woman up. "Thank you for taking care of her. I will make sure she gets to a doctor." He wanted to stop the young hero from taking flight with the sick woman, but he was too conflicted to do it. All he could do was watch the red-winged hero fly off in the falling flurries. 

Word Count: 1,140

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