Chapter 1

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"So, welcome to SwayLa." My older brother said as we walked into the mansion. "Holy shit." I said with a small laugh. "I can show you to your room." My older brother said. "Okay." I said with a smile. As we walked up the stairs two boys ran down. "Slow your ass down!" Bryce said. They both stopped and looked at Bryce. Then at me. "Who's she?" One boy asked. "This is my sister, Bailey. I told you guys that she would be here." Bryce said. "Oh, right, I'm Kio. This is Griffin." The boy said. "Nice to meet you." I said with a smile. He smiled back then he said, "Well, we'll see you guys later." Griffin said. Bryce and I both nodded and they both continued on down the stairs. We walked up and got to a room. I opened it and saw a slightly decorated room. I turned around and looked at Bryce.

"Thanks again for letting me stay here. I really needed to get away from home." I said with a smile. "Of course. You're my sister. And you're always welcome here, or in any other house I live in." He said. "Thank you, it means a lot." I said with a smile. I quickly hugged him, and as we pulled apart he said, "Well, I'm gonna go get lunch for everyone from in and out. Just text me your order." He said. "Okay." I replied. "And if you meet the boys... Please, no flirting." He said. I laughed. "As if." I said. He shook his head and smiled. "I'll be back in a bit." He said. "Alright." With that, he walked out.

See, yes, Bryce is my brpther. But we met when he was 14 and I was 11. We have the same dad, diferent moms. I gre up with my mom and dad till I was 9, but some stuff happened with my dad and he ended up in jail. My mom tald me about how I had a few different brothers I had never met, and of course, I wanted to meet them. But only one was willing to meet me. That being Bryce. SInce then Bryce has been there for everything for me, and vice versa him.

I decided I might as well unpack, so I looked at the dresser that Bryce had gotten. I started unpacking the clothes I had. I then looked around not knowing what to do. That's when there was a knock on the door. "It's open." I said. Then in walked Kio. "Oh, hey." I said with a smile. "Hey." He said. "What's up?" I asked. "I was just coming to make sure you were settling in." He said. "Oh, yeah, everything is great." I said with a smile. "Great. Well, the boys and I were planning on going swimming. If you want to join, you can." He said, "Yeah, sure. That sounds fun." I said with a smile.

As he left I got changed into a swimsuit.

As he left I got changed into a swimsuit

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I then went downstairs and to the pool. "Good to see you wanted to join." Kio said. "Yeah, might as well." I said as I shrugged. "Oh, uh, guys this is Bailey, Bryce's sister. Bailey, this is Josh, Quinton, Noah, Blake, Anthony, and Jaden." Griffin said as he pointed to each of the boys. "Hi." I said with a smile. "I was not expecting Bryce to have a hot sister." Blake said. I laughed a little and blushed slightly. "Dude..." Kio said between his teeth as if I wouldn't be able to hear. "It's fine." I said with a small laugh.

Everyone started getting into the water I heard a voice yell. "GETTING IN THE POOL WITHOUT ME!?" Next thing I knew Bryce jumped in right next to me splashing me completely. As he resurfaced, I shoved him and he laughed. "So, you met all the boys I see." He said. "Yup." I said with a smile. "Good." He said to me with a smile. Then he looked to the others. "You know the rules." He said with a serious face. "W-what rules?" I asked.

"Oh, uh-" "Rule 1, treat his sister well." Anthony started. "Rule 2, no flirting with her." Noah said. "Rule 3, no dating her." Josh said. "And Rule 4, most important to Bryce, No sleeping with you." Jaden said. I laughed slightly. "Dude, really?" I asked Bryce. "What?" He asked. "You're seriously way too protective." I said. "Yeah, well I have good reason to be." I rolled my eyes with a small smile.


After getting out of the pool we all ate, and talked for a bit. "So, how come you moved out here?" Josh asked. "Needed to get away from home I guess." I said. They shrugged. "Fair enough." Quinton said. "Have you been liking LA so far? At least since you've been here?" Noah asked me. "Umm, it's nice. I mean, I just got out here toay, but it's not bad." I said. "First day in LA and you already are friends with the hottest boys out here." Anthony said. I laughed. "You call yourse;ves hot? Please... I've seen better." I said with a small laugh. "Gee, thanks." He said and I laughed. "Sorry, not sorry." I said. "See boys, now you have no reason to fuck around with my sister." Bryce said making us all laugh.

Who knew, maybe LA wouldn't be so bad after all...

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