Chapter 3

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As Blake and I were at lunch and we had fun just talking and laughing as we ate. "Bails, I feel like I should tell you something..." Blake said. "All right? What's up?" I asked. "I wasn't planning on it happening, but I stared liking you. Like, a lot. And I get it if you don't feel the same. But I think it's better you know." He said. I couldn't believe it. I mean, he's a great guy. But even if I liked him back, nothing could happen. "Blake, what about rule 3?" I asked. "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, I probably just made everything super awkward." He said. He looked away from me. I couldn't tell if he was upset, or embarrassed. Or both? I reached over and grabbed his hand. "You didn't. I promise you. But we just... we can't do anything about it. My brother would be pissed and I don't wanna go against something he said. He's helped me so much, the last thing I want to do is disobey one of the only things he asked of me." I said. Blake nodded softly. "Yeah, you're right." "I'm sorry." I said softly. "It's okay. I get it." He said. "Can things just be normal, and not awkward with us?" I asked. "Yeah, of course." He said with a smile. "Good." I smiled back.

*After Lunch*

I decided since I blew off Jaden I'd go see him. So I went up to his room and knocked. "Come on Bailey!" He said. I opened the door confused to how he knew it was me. "How did you-" "You're the only one who knocks." He said. I nodded as I understood. "How was lunch with Blake?" He asked. I let out a sigh. "You wouldn't believe me I told you." I said. "Try me." He said. "He confessed that he has feelings for me." I said. Jadens face went straight. "But I mean, I told him nothing could come of that. Cause of Bryce and his rules." I said. "Oh." "Yeah and I feel bad cause even though he said he understood why, I feel like I hurt him." I said. "Believe me, Blake will be fine." Jaden said. I nodded slightly. "I just feel bad." I said. "What would you have said if it weren't for Bryce?" He asked. "Well, I don't know." I said with a shrug.

*Few Weeks Later*

I walked up the stairs to go to my room, and I heard my name slightly being said. I looked around to try and find where it was coming from. No one was around. I then heard my name and realized it was coming from Jaden's room. Weird. I walked to his door, and didn't think to knock so I opened it. I looked and saw Jaden in his bed, eyes shut, with soft grunts coming from him. It took me a second but then I realized something moving under the blanket. I gasped slightly and walked out of the room accidentally slamming the door.

Was he really jerking off to the thought of me? I mean, it's kinda hot. But like... I- he- UGH! He's my best friend. That's IT!

I went into my room to hopefully forget what had happened. But that's when there was a knock on my door. I prayed to everything that it wasn't Jaden. ANYONE but Jaden. "C-come in." I said. The door opened revealing a distressed Jaden. "Uhhh... hey... what's up?" I asked pretending that I hadn't just been in his room. "I know you walked in my room... I- uh- I'm-" "Jaden it's okay. A guy has needs." I said. He looked at me. "And honestly I should have expected that after I accidentally gave you a boner a few weeks back." He nodded softly. I stepped closer to him, and we were only a few inches apart. "Just don't tell Bryce. He would kill you if he found out." I said making him laugh a little. We both went quiet and just stood there. "I'm sorry for uh- interrupting..." I said. "It's fine." He said. "Did you at least finish? Cause I felt like y-" "No, but it's fine." He said. "Oh my god. Im sorry." I said. He chuckled. "Don't worry about it." He said. "I just- that- I- you- it- but-" He cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. At first, I kissed back feeling like a bunch of new emotions all just came out at once. But as I got ahold of what had happened I pulled away quickly.

"Oh, I'm- I'm so sorry. I didn't mean t-" He started but I cut him off. "It's okay J. I didn't mind it. It's just... my brother. You know?" I asked. "Right, Bailey I'm sorry." He said. "Don't be." I said. I backed up and I realized he was still hard. I could see the clear visable boner through his sweatpants. I started getting a little nervous. But after him kissing me, seeing him hard, even seeing him jerking off to me, it made me so much horny. More than I've ever been before.

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