Chapter 4

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I looked over his body but only for a moment. His shirtless body had me nearly shaking. I stepped closer to him again and I could see him take a deep breath. "J..." I started. I didn't know what was coming over me, all I know, is I'm horny, and I need him, I want him, so so badly. Our chests touched and I brought my hand up to the side of his face. But I trailed my had down feeling his body. From his jaw, to his neck, his chest, then abs. Then all the way down to his v line. My fingertips hooked inside his waistband. "Bailey..." He started but couldn't finish. "What are you doing?" He asked. "J, I need you so bad." I said. He looked at me with shock.

"What about rule number 4?" He asked. "What my brother doesn't know won't hurt him." I said. "Bailey..." "It'll just be a one time thing." I said. He stayed quiet. "You can say no. I'm not like, forcing you." I said. "Nonono, I want to." He said not caring how desperate it would make him sound. I smirked slightly. "This changes nothing." I said before I leaned in and kissed him. He pulled away and looked at me. "We should probably lock your door." He said. I nodded. He quickly went to the door and locked it. He then came back over to where I had been standing. It didn't take him long to reattach his lips to mine. "You're gonna have to stay quiet. All the boys are here." He said and I nodded. He reached down and placed his hands on my things. "Jump." He said. I did as I was told, I jumped and wrapped my legs around him and he put his hands on my ass. "Good girl." He said. His words made me weak. He then started kissing and sucking on my neck harshly making me let out a small whine.

"Jaden please don't tease. I need you so bad." I said. "Just be patient princess. I will let you cum as many times as you want. You just have to be patient." He said and I nodded quickly. He smirked. "So needy huh?" He asked and I nodded. He leaned forward and kissed me again. His hands rubbed and squeezed my ass making me moan slightly. Jaden immediately stopped and pulled away from my lips. "I told you, you have to stay quiet. Because then the boys are going to hear you. And if they hear you, it'll be because I'm making you scream my name. So if you don't want Bryce to find out I suggest you stay quiet." He said. I nodded. Him being so commanding was so hot. "Do you understand me?" He asked. I nodded. "Words princess." "Yes." I said softly. "Yes, who?" He asked. "Yes Jaden." I said. "Mm. Mm. Wrong name sweetheart." He said. "Yes daddy." I said. He smiled and he leaned forward to kiss my lips.

"Get on your knees baby." He said as he put me down. I quickly did as he said. "So hungry for daddy's dick. Huh baby?" He asked. "Mmm hmm. Yea daddy." I said. Before I knew it he stripped himself of his sweatpants and boxers. I looked at him and gulped as I realized he was a lot bigger than I thought he would be. I felt Jaden's hand come up to cups face. "You look so good on your knees infront of my cock." He said. I looked up and smirked at him. I grabbed him and started slightly rubbing my hand up and down. "Shit." He said as more of a whisper. I leaned over and licked the tip. "Don't tease baby. Okay?" He asked. That's all it took for me to wrap my lips around him. Jaden brought his hand to my hair holding it in a makeshift ponytail. I hummed slightly against his him as I looked up at him. His eyes rolled back in his head before he shut them tightly. "Feels so good baby." He said trying to stay quiet. Jaden then used his hand in my hair to shove my head down further on him. I gagged a few times and he smiled. "Fuck baby, you're so hot." He said. And then he started thrusting himself in and out of my mouth. Fucking himself into my face. He twitched so as he thrusted himself in and out of my mouth I moaned sending vibrations to him. He let out a groan as he twitched and he shot his load in my mouth. He pulled away and looked at me. I visibly swallowed. "You're such a good girl. And you know what good girls get?" He asked. I shook my head in an innocent matter. "Good girls get a good reward." He said.

He grabbed ahold of me and helped me to my feet. "You can make noise, just don't be too loud. We don't want the boys to know." He said. I nodded quickly. "What do you want me to do baby?" He asked. "Anything. Please I just need something." I said. "You want my fingers? Or my tongue?" He asked. "Both." I said softly. "Anything for daddy's girl." He said. He leaned down and kissed me as his hands traveled to my ass. "Can we get your clothes off?" He asked. I nodded. He smirked and helped lift off my shirt and pull off my shorts leaving me in a lace underwear set. He looked me up and down as he licked his lips. After a moment I moved my hand to the side of his face. "My eyes are up here." I said with a smirk. He looked up at my face.

He picked me up and tossed me on the bed. "Are you sure you want me to?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes." I said letting out a bit of a sigh. He pulled off my bra, and then my underwear. He massaged my boobs as he kissed down my body. He stood up and looked at me. Then he grabbed my legs and pulled me to the end of the bed. He softly kissed my thighs. "Please Daddy. I need you." I said. "Just because you asked nicely." He leaned forward and attached his lips to my clit sucking harshly. I let out a small moan then covered my mouth. As I contained my sounds, I moved my hand and brought it to Jadens hair. That's when he put 2 fingers in me. "Shit J." I said. His fingers moved at a fast pace making me want to moan loudly. He moved his mouth from my clit and his tongue joined his fingers. "Oh my god." I said. I pulled his head closer to me shoving his tongue further. "Holy shit." I said feeling so much pleasure. "Fuck I'm gonna cum." I said trying not to scream. Jaden pulled his mouth away and said, "Let go for me baby. Cum on my fingers and my face." He said. Before I knew it he brought his mouth back to me and I felt my stomach explode. Jaden used his tongue to clean up my mess, and then he pulled away. "Are you done? Or do you want more?" He asked. "I'm honestly really tired. That was like... the best orgasm I've had in a long time." I said. He chuckled. "Yeah, me too." He said.

"Is this gonna change something? Cause you're literally my best friend. I can't loose you. It can't be awkward with us." I said. "Don't worry princess, I'm not going anywhere. It's not gonna change our friendship at all." He said. "Thank god." I said with a sigh. "Im gonna go, before someone realizes we're in here together." He said. "Yeah. Good idea." I said. He hot up and pulled his boxers and sweats on. "You need help getting dressed?" He asked with a small smile. "No, I'm fine. I just am so tired I'm dreading moving to our my clothes on." He smiled. "I'll help you." He said. He picked my clothes up off the floor and came back over to me. He helped me pull my clothes on, and then he lifted me up and placed me higher on the bed under the covers. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Thank you Jaden. That was... amazing." I said. "The pleasures all mine." He said with a bit of a smirk.

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