Chapter 14

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"You look so hot baby." Jaden said as we walked into his room. "Yeah?" I asked with a smirk. "Mhm." He hummed. "I need you so bad baby." Jaden said seductivly into my ear. "Oh, I'm actually really tired." I said to tease him. "Babyyyyy!" He whined. "Can't you just help yourself tonight?" I asked pretending to be really tired. He sighed. "Yeah." He said softly. I laughed a little. I moved over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down to kiss me. It started getting heated and then I pulled away. "I'm just messing with you J." I said. "Thank god!" He said and I laughed.

Jaden grabbed my ass, and squeezed it, I let out a gasp and Jaden smiled. "I really need to shower." I said with a small smirk. "Yeah?" He asked. I nodded. He smiled and pulled me in to kiss him again. He placed his hands on my thighs and without warning he lifted me up and carried us to the bathroom. He closed the door and then set me on the counter. I quickly helped Jaden remove his clothes so he was left in his boxers, and he looked me up and down. "God baby, you look so hot right now." He said. I bit my lip softly, and he moved closer kissing my collar bone, and sucking harshly. "Shit." I said breathily. He pulled away and looked at me. He then held onto the hem of my shirt. "Can I take this off baby?" He asked. I nodded. He then did just that.

"Fuck." He said as he saw my black lace bra. I smiled. "Is that new?" I nodded and said, "Mhm." "Shit baby." He said as he let out a small groan. "You like it?" I asked. "Oh baby, I love it. You look so sexy." He said. I blushed a little at the compliment. "It's a matching set." I said softly. "Yeah?" He asked. I nodded and said, "Do you wanna see?" He rubbed his hand up my thigh, soon getting to the lacy fabric. I let out a soft whimper and he smiled. This mans effect on me was something different.

He slowly pulled on my skirt and I helped him get it off me, and he looked me up and down. "God baby, you don't understand the things you do to me." He said. He stepped closer to me and I quickly pulled him in to kiss me. "As much as I love this on you, it's gotta come off." He said. He helped me removed my bra, and then my underwear. I hopped off the counter and Jaden looked at me with a smirk. I started the shower then looked over at him as he was removing his boxers. I climbed into the shower and waited for him to follow.

Not long after, I felt hands placed on my hips. I turned seeing Jaden. "I need you so bad." He mumbled in my ear. "I'm all yours Jaden." I said. He pushed me back pressing my back to the tile wall. He didn't waste any time, he got down on his knees and attached his lips to my clit. "Oh shit." I said gasping for air at the sudden sensation. I brought my hands to his hair pulling slightly. "Oh my god that feels so good Jaden." I said. He hummed against me sending vibrations through my body. I let out a small moan. Without warning he shoved two fingers into me making me moan loudly. "Oh fuck!" I yelled. I pushed his head closer to me causing him to suck harder on my clit. I felt myself get close. "Jaden! I'm so close." I said. He sucked harder, and moved his fingers making me moan loudly. But as soon as I felt my stomch tightening he pulled his fingers out and his mouth away. "Jadennnnnn!" I said. He smirked. "That wasn't going to be how I got you to cum." He said with a small smirk.

He quickly picked me up and then he slammed my back against the wall once more. "Shit." I said softly. He smiled then kissed my neck. "Fuck me, please. I need you so bad. I want you burried so deep in me pounding into me." I begged. "Awe my baby is so needy." He said with a cocky smile. With that he entered the tip into me. "Shit." I said. "You want more?" He asked. I nodded quickly. "Yes, please. I need you so bad." I said. He smiled then kissed me. He then slammed himself into me harshly. "Fuck!" I moaned. "Mmm... You like that? You like the way I slam myself into your tight little pussy?" He asked. "Yes! Fuck! It's so good!" I said. He quickened his pace. Pounding into me quickly. "Jaden! Fuck I'm already so fucking close!" I said. "Don't cum until I tell you to." He said.

My stomach tightened an I knew I couldn't hold on much longer. "Shit! Please let me cum." I said through my moans. "Not yet babygirl." He said. I held it in as long as I could, but betweenhis hars quick thrusts, and him kissing my neck and whispering dirty things in my ear, I couldn't hold it in. "Jaden fuck!" I screamed. I released all over him. He stopped immedeately. "I told you not to cum until I said to." He said. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold it. You just make me feel so good." I said. "Big mistake babygirl. You're a bad girl, and bad girls get punished." He said. He turned off the water and carried me out of the shower and he threw me onto his bed. "Jad-" "Not my name princess." He said.

"Daddy, I'm sorry." I whimpered. "Yeah?" He asked. "Mhm." I said as I nodded. "Well it's too late for you to say sorry." He said. He went into his drawer, and he pulled out a vibrator. "J-Daddy. Wha-" "No questions. And you're gonna take what I give you. If you cum without my permission, then I won't let you cum for a month." He said. "You couldn't last a month without me." I said. "Mmm, you're right. But I didn;t say I would fuck you, I just said you wouldn't cum." He said. He hovered over me on the bed and quickly shoved himself into me making me moan loudly.

He then grabbed the vibrator and he placed it on my clit before turning it on, and all the way up. "Fuck!" I screamed. Jaden rammed himself in and out of me. "Oh my god Daddy! I'm so fucking close already!" "Hold it slut." He said through his grunts. "Fuckkkkk!" I moaned. He continued pounding into me making me moan louder than I ever thought possible. I knew all the boys were hearing us, but I honestly didn't care. "Yeah? Tell everyone in the house whos making you feel this good." Jaden said. "Fuck! Daddy you make me feel so fucking good!" I moaned. "Fuck baby, you're so tight." He said. "Shit daddy, please let me cum." I said. He ignored me.

As he continued I felt him twitch inside of me. I knew he wasn't going to last long. "Daddy please let me cum!" I moaned. "Almost there baby. Then you can cum." He said. The tip of his dick slammed and hit into my g-spot making me let out a loud pornographic moan as I squeezed around him. "Shit baby I'm gonna cum." He said. "Daddy please let me cum with you." I said. "Beg for it baby." "Please Daddy! Please let me cum! I promise I'll be a good girl from now on. Please just let me cum. Please daddy!" I begged. "Shit! Cum for me baby." As soon as he said that his tip slammed into my g-spot once more making me moan loudly as I came around him. "Fuckkk!" I said. He moaned loudly and I felt him release inside of me.

Jaden slowed his thrusts and soon pulled out. "You've gotta wear that stuff more often." He said. I giggled. "I'll wear it whenever you want." I said with a smile. "Yeah?" He asked. I nodded. He leaned down and kissed me. "I wasn't too rough was I?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nothing I can't handle." I said.


I walked downstairs to get a drink and I saw all the boys, and they all looked at me. "What?" I asked, Then I heard footsteps behind me and then arms wrapped around my waist. The guys all looked at me again. "Seriously, what?" I asked. "You guys should feel lucky that Bryce isn't here." Quinton said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Fuck Daddy!" Josh said mimicking a girls voice as he moaned. "I'm gonna cum!" Griffin said in the same voice. "Please let me cum daddy!" Kio said in the same voice. "Oh my god!" I said as I covered my face in embarrasment. Jaden laughed as he spun me around letting me hid my face against his bare chest. "I've never heard someone moan so loud." Josh said. "Leave her alone guys." Jaden said as he laughed a little. "Seriously, it sounded like you both had fun." Kio said as he laughed.

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