Chapter 7

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I've now been in LA for 8 months. Jaden and I have been Friends with benefits for a few months. And so far, no one has caught on. But see, I have a bigger problem then Bryce finding out. I realized over these last few months I like Blake. Like... a lot. And I'm still sleeping around with Jaden... And I kinda think I like him too. But, here's the thing. I know he just wants sex. That's the whole reason this started. We were both horny and didn't have someone to be with. I don't know. And of course I'm worried that Bryce will be pissed. And he has every reason to be.

"Hey Bails, can I talk to you?" I turned and saw Blake. "Yeah, sure." I said. We walked oustide and he looked at me. "I want to ask you something. And it's okay if you say no..." He started. "Okay, well what do you want to aske me?" I asked. "Would you want to go on a date with me?" He asked. I mean, yeah of course I would. But I can't. "Blake-" "Bryce said it was okay." He said. "Wait, what?" I asked. "Yeah, he said I could ask you out. I asked him first because I knew you would say no because of him." He said. "You're serious?" I asked. "Yeah." He said. I smiled then said, "Yeah, I'd love to." I moved closer to him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my waist as he hugged back. As we pulled apart I smiled at him. Thats when I saw something move from my side vision. I looked over and saw it was Jaden. "Shit." I said under my breath. "What?" He asked as he looked in the direction I was. "Nothing." I said as I shook my head. "You sure?" He asked. "Yeah." I said with a smile as I looked back to him.


"Hey, have you seen Jaden?" I asked Bryce. "Uh, he's in his room." He said. "Thanks." I said softly. "Yup." I quickly went upstairs and I saw Jaden sitting at the desk in his room writing into a notebook. "Hey J... Can we talk?" I asked. He looked up at me and rolled his eyes slightly, then he leaned back in the gaming chair. "What's up?" He asked. "I know you saw me and Blake outside." I said. "Yeah and?" He asked. I sighed. "Are you really going to make this dificult?" I asked. "No, because I don't care. I don't care at all that I have been trying to be with my best friend for months, and somehow I got a casual hookup instead, and then I find out she was only using me till she could get someone else." My heart dropped. "It's not like that Jaden." I said. "Really? Then what is it?" He asked. "It's not my fault you never asked me on a date." I said.

He went quiet. "See, that's where you're wrong." He said. "What?" I asked. "I doubt you'll remeber it since you were with the guy you actually liked. But before all this shit started with us. I asked you to lunch. And you bailed on me, for Blake." He said. "I-I don't know what you're talking about." I said. I was utterly confused. "Of course you don't." He said as he scoffed. It then hit me what he was talking about.

"Wait... you asked me to lunch as a date?" I asked. "Yeah." He said. "I'm so sorry. I had no idea. You said it was okay that I went to lunch with Blake. And even if I went with you, I wouldn't have considered it a date. I mean that same day I shot down Blake because of Bryce." I said. "Yet you didn't have a problem hooking up with me because you were horny. Last time I checked thats the one thing Bryce REALLY didn't want to happen." "Jaden look... I'm sorry okay!? I get it I messed up with all of this. But don't start making me feel like shit because of this. You wanted to hookup too. That wasn't just me." I said. He stayed quiet. "I'm gonna go." I said softly. "Bailey-" "No, I'll see you around Jaden." I said before I walked out of his room.

I went to the next room over which was mine, and I threw myself on my bed. "UGHHH!" I groaned. Just then there was a knock on my door. "Go away!" I yelled. "Babes, can I please come in?" I heard the voice of one of my cloest friends, also my brothers girlfriend. "Fine." I said. The door opened and I turned to see Addison. She walked in and closed the door behind her. "What's wrong?" She asked. "My life is going to shit." I said. "I doubt that... Talk to me." She said. "If I do, you have to promise not to tell Bryce." I said. "Fine." She said. "Well, you see, Blake asked me on a date. And I said yes." I started. "Okay? Does Bryce not know about the date?" She asked. "No, he does, it's the next part he doesn't know about." I said. "And that is?" She asked.

"A while back Jaden and I started... sleeping together. A-" "Holy shit!" She said. I laughed a little. "Yeah, and well I ended up with feelings for both Jaden, and Blake. And Blake just asked me out and Jaden witnessed the whole thing. And now he's mad at me." I said. "Oh, babes, I'm sorry." She said. "Yeah, well there is nothing I can do." I said. "Who do you like more?" She asked me. "I don't know. That's so hard." I said. "Well you shouldn't be upset about Jaden, instead you should be happy about Blake. "Yeah, but Jaden is my best friend." I said. "Yeah, well, you've gotta just give him some space." She said. I nodded. "You're right." "Now go hang out with Blake! Get out of your pouty mood." She said. I nodded. "Thank you for talking with me about this." I said with a sigh. "Of course!" She said. "I just- I've had to keep me and Jaden a secret from everyone so it's been so draining. I just wanted one person to tell about it." I said. "I get it. Know you can always tell me iabout stuff like this." She said. "Thank you. Seriously. Itmeans the world." I said. "Anytime babes." She said.  

She smirked then said, "Was it at least good? Like hooking up with Jaden?" "Oh my God!" I said while laughing as I playfully shoved her. She laughed as well. "I'm serious!" She said. I laughed again then said, "Yeah... It was... different?" I said. "Different? How different can sex really get?" She asked. "Well, it's not really different. It's just new. My ex... We would sleep together... but I never-" "Had an orgasam!?" "Shhhhhh!" I said as I covered her mouth. "Seriously?" She asked as I pulled my hand away. "Yeah. So... Being with Jaden was a whole new experience." I said. "Wowwwww." She said. I nodded. "Does Jaden know?" She asked. "No, I just told him it had been a long time. Since I... well... you know." I said slightly embarassed. She laughed a little. "Well I'll leave you alone now. Just don't push either of the boys away." She said. "Yeah." I said softly.

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