Chapter 22

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(Another large time skip... but it was needed cause idk enough about pregnancy)

"Congrats mom and dad." The doctor said as baby B was laid on my chest. "Oh my god." I said. A few tears rolled down my cheeks. No way this is happening. I looked over and saw Jaden smiling as he was holding baby A. "You did so amazing Bails." He said with a smile.

As they got the two babies cleaned up completely I looked at Jaden. I started in awe of the to small children. "How you feeling baby?" Jaden asked me. "I'm okay. I'm exhausted though." I said. He smiled. "Yeah, I bet." He said. I looked to him and smiled. "We did it, we have to beautiful children." I said. "I didn't do much. But okay." He said making me laugh. "My mom and dad are on their way. Guess they kinda lucked out with their flight being an hour ago." Jaden said and I laughed a little. "What are the chances that they got in LA not even 20 minutes after I gave birth?" I said.

I looked over at the two children being held by the small baby bed as the nurse's left

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I looked over at the two children being held by the small baby bed as the nurse's left. "Happy birthday." I said in a whisper tone. Jaden smiled at the sleeping babies along with me. "They're ours? How?" He asked and I smiled. That's when there was a knock on the door. "I think there are some really excited grandparents on the other side of that door." I said. Jaden laughed. He walked to the door and he walked in with his parents. "Hi." I said with a smile. "Hey sweetheart, how are you doing?" His mom asked. "I'm doing fine." I said with a smile. Thats when she looked over and saw the twins. He mouth gaped open and she placed her hand over her chest.

"They're so precious." She said. Jaden and I smiled. "So, do they have names, or are we calling them Baby A and Baby B?" His dad asked and we both chuckled. "Well, we have Colson Isaiah Hossler. He was born first. And then, Camryn Reign Hossler." I said with a smile. "Oh my heart." Amy said. I smiled. "Listen, if you two ever need anything, please don't hesitate to ask us." John said. "That means so much." I said with a smile.


After awhile his parents left and got situated in their hotel. So, it was just going to be me, Jaden, Colson, and Camryn. After I fed the babies, we got them into the small bed, and I looked at Jaden. "Wanna lay with me?" I asked. He smiled. I moved over in the bed and he laid next to me.

*Few Days Later*

We went home finally. Mine and Jaden's shared apartment. Everything seems to be working out perfectly. And now was time for the baby annoucement. We kept the whole thing a secret from the media. No one knows. We did plenty of photoshoot before I started showing that way I would have things to post without people realizing I was pregnant. But, here goes nothing.

 But, here goes nothing

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Baileyhall: Welcome to the world Colson and Camryn

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Baileyhall: Welcome to the world Colson and Camryn. 10/13/2020 *jadenhossler


Fan: WHAT!?

Fan: Omg I love those names!

Fan: I'm so happy for you guys!

Fan: This is amazing! Congrats!

Hate: Aren't you a little young to have kids?

Fan: You guys are going to be the best parents ever!

Fan: Adorable!

Fan: Even after giving birth you're still glowing!

I smiled at the support, and just ignored the hate. This was amazing. I love my little family.


"Dada!" Camryn yelled before she ran out to her dad. I followed behind holding Col's hand as we walked out onto the stage. Jaden knelt down and Camryn hugged him. As soon as Col saw he let go of my hand and ran to his dad hugging him as well. Jaden had been on tour and I had been back in LA with our three year old twins. We all missed Jaden quite a lot, and so I decided that me and the kids would fly out to see him.

Jaden stood up with one of them in each arm. I walked over and hugged him. "I love you." He said. "I love you too."

Jaden set the two down. And he spoke into the microphone. "I have the best family ever." He started and I smiled. "Cutest kids, and the most beautiful girlfriend." He continuned. "I can think of only one thing that would make it better." He said. He handed Col the microphone and then he bent down on one knee. "Bailey, we've been together almost 4 years. And right now we have the most perfect family. The only thing is, I want to change your last name. That way we can all match." He said the last part laughing a little. He held a ring an then held my hand with his other hand. "Will you marry me?" He asked. "Hell yeah!" I said. He jumped up and hugged me and pulled me in for a deep passionate kiss. As we pulled apart he placed the ring on my finger.

He picked up Camryn, and then he picked up Col. This really was perfect. I leaned forward and kissed him once more. I left the stage, and Jaden stayed for his "Last" song. When really it was his last song before the encore.

He sang Tell Me About Tomorrow and the twins sang with him. Well, as much as they could anyways. As he finsihed the song, he ran off stage with the kids in his arms. He got to me and kissed me before he placed the kids down on the ground. And just like that, it was time for him to go back out on stage for 2 more songs.

to think... this all started with Friends With Benefits....

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