Chapter 5

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It been about 2 weeks since Jaden and I.. well.. you know. And surprisingly it actually didn't change anything. Nothing is weird or awkward between us. It's all just same as before. The normal. I mean, the only thing that has changed is a blush a little more evrytime he tries to flirt with me before Bryce shuts it down. I laid back on my bed scrolling through tiktok. I decided might as well post a video.


I smiled at the video and captioned it "Bestie 4 life" And then posted it.

I continued scrolling through tiktoks and I saw a bunch of edits of me and the boys. But even more, edits of me and Blake, or me and Jaden. I knew they were all ship edits. Which it's honestly kind of annoying being shipped with my two best friends. Like... We're just friends. Are we tho? I mean, me and Jaden... you know... and well, Blake, honestly we've both gotten really close. Ever since he told me he liked me, I've kind been thinking, maybe I feel the same. I don't know, it doesn't matter. Nothing will happen with me and Jaden, or Me and Blake.

I decided to go get some water.


I walked downstairs and into the kitchen

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I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass of water and I leaned against the counter as I drank my water. "Oh you're here?" I heard I turned around and saw Jaden. "Yeah, so are you." I said. "Yeah, I didn't feel like going out with the boys." He said. "Got it." I said. "What's your excuse?" He asked. "Didn't feel like going either." I said. He let out a small laugh.

I looked at him noticing more detail. He must have just gotten out of the shower. His hair was wet, and his bare chest a few drops still. "You're staring Bailey." I snapped out of it and looked to his eyes. "Sorry." I said softly. He walked closer to me, and he placed his hands on the counter on each side of me. His face only a few inches from mine. "No need to be sorry." He said with a small smirk. I nearly choked on my water with how close he was. "J-" "You look really good right now Bails." He said with a wide smirk as he leaned a little closer. "W-we can't do this Jaden." I said. "Why not?" He asked still not moving. "Because Bryce-" "Isn't here." He said cutting me off. My breathing got heavy feeling him so close. "If you tell me you don't want this I'll stop." He said. He moved his hand from the counter to my side. His fingers softly trailed up and down my body as if they weren't even there. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked. I looked at him. His eyes went from full of lust, to just caring eyes. He was actually concerned I didn't want to. "What if they come home?" I asked. "Then you'll have to be quiet." He said. He brought his hand up to my cheek softly. "So what do you want to do baby?" He asked me. I thought of all the cons, but then, the pros all came to me. "I want you Jaden." I said. He smirked then leaned in and kissed me and he placed his hand on my waist again. As we pulled apart he looked at me. "Is this going to be like last time?" He asked. I knew exactly what he was actually asking. He was asking if we would actually have sex. I brought my hand to his face and I played with the little strands of hair. "I told you, I want you, all of you." I said. He bit his lip softly and then I leaned forward and kissed him.

"We should take this upstairs." I said. "Mmm, good idea baby." He said. I smiled and he kissed me softly. I then walked away and he followed behind. Before we even got to the stairs he grabbed my hips and pulled me back against him. I could feel his boner poking my ass. He placed his lips on my neck. "Jaden, let's get to the room before you get too carried away." I said. "Mm hmm." He hummed. I laughed a little and kept walking, but he kept my body pressed to his, and he kept his lips to my neck, occasionally traveling to the back of my shoulder.

We got into his room and as soon as the door closed he said, "No playing games this time, I need you. So no teasing." He said. I smirked as I faced him. I brought my hand down to his bulge slowly palming him through his clothes. He groaned loudly. "Shit Bailey! I said no teasing." He said. "Sorry, I didn't mean to tease you..." I pause then leans over to his ear. "Daddy." I said in a seductive whisper. I pulled away biting my lip knowing I was in for it.

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