Chapter 21

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(Bit of a Time Skip cause we arent gonna take 20 chapters just to get the the birth... Lmao.. hope you enjoy.)

*21 weeks along*

"J..." I said. "What's up baby?" He asked. "Give me your hand." I said with a smile. He looked at me confused but held out his hand. I took it and placed it on my stomach. "Holy shit." He said and I laughed. Just barely noticeable but, you could feel one of the babies kick. "Oh my god." He said. I smiled seeing his reaction. He moved and leaned down to kiss my stomach repeatedly making me laugh. He looked up at me and smiled. "I love you." He said softly with a small smile. "I love you too J." I said.

I smiled as I looked down at my belly

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I smiled as I looked down at my belly. "Crazy to think we're already half way through." I said. "I know." Jaden said and I smiled. He moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. "You're absolutely beautiful." He said. I smiled. "And you're incredibly strong. I couldn't handle being pregnant." He said making me laugh. He laughed too as he held me close to him. "And soon we will be able to have our hands on these beautiful babies." He said. "You excited for today?" I asked. "You have no idea." He said. "I'm just glad we arent having to rescedule it... again." I said. "Don't jinx it." He said and I laughed. "No I'm so serious, if we are resceduling it, I'm finding out today anyways." He said and I smiled.


We walked into the backyard of Dixie and Charli's new house. We saw outside talking with everyone.



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(Don't mind the horrible screenshot lol)

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(Don't mind the horrible screenshot lol)

We talked with everyone, and we just enjoyed everyone's company. "IT'S TIMEEEE!" Dixie said. I smiled and we walked over to the spot where we were going to do the reveal. "You ready?" He asked. I nodded. "You?" I asked. "I've only been waiting the last few weeks." He said making me laugh.

Jaden and I were both handed a confetti popper of some sort. "3....2...1...."

(I changed to fraternal twins not identical cause I like the idea of one boy and one girl

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(I changed to fraternal twins not identical cause I like the idea of one boy and one girl...)

Everyone cheered and Jaden quickly came over to me and hugged me picking me up while doing so. I laughed causing him to laugh as well. As he set me down he looked at our clothes which were covered in the chalk that went up into the air. "No way this is real." Jaden said with a wide smile. I took in the sight. To think I was so worried that he wanted nothing to do with the babies, and that everything was over with him and I. Now here we are. He eyes started to water and I looked at him with a smile. "J..." I said his eyes met mine. "I can't believe this." He said. "I know!"

(Is it just me or is it like imposible to see a baby in any ultrasound pictures? But I mean

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(Is it just me or is it like imposible to see a baby in any ultrasound pictures? But I mean... goodgle said this was a ultrasound of 21 weeks... sooooo... idkkkk...)

*That Night*

Jaden and I laid together in scilence, and we were fine with that. It was comfortable scilence. "We should probably start thinking about names." He said causing me to laugh a little. "Yeah, probably." I said. "Any ideas?" he asked. "Hmmm... I don't know." I said. "How about you?" I asked. "No clue." "That's a pretty weird name... It's like begging for our child to get bullied. We're gonna need to work on your name ideas." I said making him laugh.

"We're gonna have both a son and a daughter. This is crazy." He said and I smiled. "I can't believe it." I said. "But now we should really start thing about where we're going to be living." I said. "Yeah, you're right." He said. I smiled at him. "What?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nonono, what?" He asked with a smile. "It's just, when we met, I didn't really think we would end up here. I definately never thought we'd be together." I said. "Why's that?" He asked. "Cause you're literally perfect. What are the chances I get someone like you." I said. He laughed. "I'm surprised you decided to be with me. I mean, of all people... me." He said I laughed a little. "I love you." I said. "I love you too."

(You guys, I'm so sorry that this tooknso long for me to put out another part. I hope you enjoyed this one!)

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