Chapter 13

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Today is the day before halloween. And the costume I ordered for Jaden got here. I knocked on his door and said, "J, can I come in?" "Of course baby." He said. I opened the door and He was laying on his bed in just a pair of sweatpants. He then saw the package in my hand. "What's that?" He asked. "Your halloween costume..." I said with a smile. "You were serious?" He asked. "Dead serious." I said. "Alright. Lets see it." He said. I smiled and I pulled it out of the bag and I showed him.

"Oh my god I'm gonna look so hot!" He said making me laugh. "You think it'll make my butt look bigger?" He asked. I shruged while laughing a little. "What about you? You said we are matching..." He said. "Mhm. You're gonna have to wait till tomorrow to see it though." I said. "Good thing, cause I'd probably end up taking it off you and ripping it in the process." He said. I laughed a little. I moved to him and kissed his lips.

"I think we should post about us tomorrow. We could post about it while we're matching. That is.. if you want to." He said. "I mean, yeah. But it's only been a few weeks." I said. "We don't have to tell anyone." He said. "No, I think we should." I said.

*The Next Day*

Jaden and I both slept in, and I woke up and it was already 2 PM. Meaning we only had a few hours till the part we were going to at Hype House. I got up slowly so I wouldn't wake Jaden. And then I went to my room and showered, and then I got dressed. I then fixed my hair and did my makeup. I looked over and Jaden was sitting on my bed. I smiled and I walked out of the bathroom.

"Holy shit." He said. I laughed a little. "You're so fucking hot." He said. I smiled and walked over and straddled his waist. "Don't get me hard." He said. Ileaned over to his ear and whispered, "Where's the fun in that?" I kissed his Jaw then up to his ear and I slightly bit on his earlobe. I moved my hips to grind against him, just enough to get him slightly hard. I then climbed off him. "You've gotta get ready." I said. "Seriously?" He asked. "Yeah seriously, we leave in an hour." I said. "Not that!" He said. I smirked then said, "Later J." He shook his head. "I'll be right back." He left and went to his room to go change.

"Look at you hot stuff." I said making him laugh. "We are like the hottest couple ever." He said. "Mhm, thta we are." I leaned over and kissed him. "Addison is gonna take some pictures of us." I said. "Okay." "You sure you want to post us?" I asked. "I'm sure. Are you?" He asked. "Yeah, I am." I said.



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BaileyHall: We're hot! *Tagged Jadenhossler*

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BaileyHall: We're hot! *Tagged Jadenhossler*


Random1: Ship?

Random2: HOTTIES FR!


BryceHall: Bailey u really made him ur bitch.

JadenHossler: We really are hot!

JadenHossler: We really are hot!

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jadenhossler: No shes hot *Tagged BaileyHall*

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jadenhossler: No shes hot *Tagged BaileyHall*



Random2: AHHHHHHH!!!

BaileyHall: I'm not so sure...
jadenhossler:^ Don't say that! You are! Now never forget it!



addisonrae: Hottest coupleeeee

I smiled at the support from the fans. "I love you Jaden Hossler." I said. "I love you too."

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