Chapter 10

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Ever since Jaden and I hooked up two weeks ago, I go to him when I'm horny. I know we said we were just friends. But Blake can't make me cum what so ever. So I had to do something. It all feels so wrong. But being with Jaden is just so perfect, and it feels right.

"Bailey, I need you so bad." Blake said. I let out a sigh, I knew this meant I would get turned on, and then I would get no release, so I would have to wait till I could have even just five minutes alone with Jaden without causing suspicion. He leaned over and kissed my lips. Then worked his way down to my neck and my collar bone. He got to my soft spot and I let out a moan. He moved his hand down and slipped them inside my sweatpants, and he softly started rubbing my covered clit. I closed my eyes throwing my head back. "Shit. Jaden. That feels so good." I said letting out a bit of a moan.

But then the movement stopped. I opened my eyes and looked at Blake. "What's wrong? Why'd you stop?" I asked. "You said Jaden." He said. Then and there I knew I fucked up. "N-no, I didn't." I said. "Bailey I heard you." He said. "Okay, it was an accsident. I just have been hanging out with him a lot." I said. He moved his hand away from me and I sat up. "I didn't mean to. It's not a big deal." I said. "Why did you really say his name?" He asked. "Blake-" "No! What the fuck has been going on with you and Jaden?" He asked. "N-nothing." I said. "Don't fucking lie to me." He said. I stayed quiet. "What!? Got nothing to say!?" He asked. "I-i'm gonna go." I said. I stood up and started to walk away. "Seriously Bailey?" He asked. I just ignored him and I ran out of his room.

I moved quickly looking at my feet terrified of this now coming out. I ran into someone since I hadn't been paying attention. I looked up seeing Jaden. I took a deep breath, and everything began getting fuzzy, and my breathing got heavy. "Hey, Bails, you okay?" I wanted to respond, but no words would come out. "Bailey?" He asked sounding worried. I really couldn't breath at this point. "I-I can't breath." I said in a whisper as I was wheezing. My hands started to shake. "Hey, Bails, look at me. It's okay." He said. He wrapped his arm around me and he walked me into my room. This point, tears started to roll down my face.

"Bailey, it's okay. Look at me." I knew what he was saying, but I just couldn't focus. He placed his hands on the sides of my face making me look at him. "Look at my eyes. It's okay. I don't know what happened, but it's okay. I promise you. You will be okay." He said. I nodded a little. "Focus on your breathing. Okay? Take deep breaths. Can you do that?" I tried, but I couldn't. "Hey, Hey, Hey, it's okay. Copy me. Okay." He then started taking deep breaths. I nodded and tried my hardest to copy him. "Good, good. You're doing great Bails." He said with a smile. I continued taking deep breaths and he was doing it as well.

As I calmed my breathing I looked at him with the tears still forming in my eyes. He brought his hands up to my face wiping my tears. "It's okay. I'm here." He said softly. I nodded. He then pulled me into him to hug him. I didn't know that I needed that hug, that it, until it happend. I closed my eyes, still trying to focus on my breathing while I felt Jaden's arms wrapped around me. "Shhhhh, I've got you." He said in a hush tone. Just then my bedroom door opened and I looked to see Blake. "Of course, you're in here with her." He said. Jaden pulled away from me and walked over to him. "Excuse you?" He asked. Blake shook his head as he had his jaw clenched. "You two have fun." He said before walking out. "Blake I-" I stopped. I knew he wasn't going to listen.

"What happened?" He asked me. "He knows." I said. "What do you mean he knows?" Jaden asked. "Things got heated with Blake and I, and I accsidentally said your name. And he heard it. I tried to dismiss it, but he didn't believe me." I said as tears started to run down my face. "Okay, look. Everything is going to be okay. I promise." He said softly as he wiped my tears away. I nodded slowly. Jaden kissed my forehead. "It'll be okay." He said. I nodded again. "Lets go." He said softly. "Yeah." I said just as soft. He walked out of my room, and I followed behind him as we walked out and downstairs to the kitchen.

I walked in and I saw Blake leaning against the counter. "What do you two want?" He asked. "Blake, can we just talk about this. Please?" I asked. "What's there to talk about?" He asked. "Blake-" "Are you hooking up with him?" He asked. "I-" "Are you dating?" He asked cutting me off. "Blake I-" "One night stand?" He asked. "Listen I-" "Is he someone you mastrabate to? Or think about when we are sleeping together?" He asked. "Give her a chance to fucking explain! God damn!" Jaden yelled. "Hey man you have no reason for being here." Blake said. "Maybe if you didn't storm off like a child we could be having a normal conversation without all this bullshit!" Jaden yelled. "What the fuck is going on!?" I heard. I turned and saw Bryce. "Shit." I said under my breath. "Oh this is great." Blake said. "Well?" Bryce asked.

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