Chapter 18

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"Hey baby." I heard before arms wrapped around my waist and under the hoodie I had been wearing. I leaned my head back letting it hit against Jaden's chest. "Hi." I said softly. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah, I've just been hella tired. And I've been wanting to go to bed for like the past 4 hours." I said. "Then go to sleep." "It's only 6:30." I said. "Yeah and? You're using enough energy for two humans." He said. "Speaking of I have my next appointment tomorrow. If you wanna come with." "Of course I want to come. But isn't it kind of early to have another appointment?" He asked. "Normally yes. But I've been having some other symptoms that I talked to my doctor about and she wants me to come in for another ultrasound." I said. "Oh, is everything okay? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" "Yes, We're both fine." I said with a soft smile. "Okay." He said letting out a small sigh. "I also want to tell Bryce." I said. "You do?" He asked. "Yeah." "Okay. Whatever you wanna do." He said. I smiled at him. "I love you. You know that?" I asked. "I love you too." He said.

*The Next Day*

"Oh, wow. This is new." The doctor said. I instantly saw Jaden tense. "Wha-what's new?" I asked worried this would be something bad. The doctor turned the screen around and Jaden and I both looked at it. "Oh my god." I said. Jaden had his eyes wide open.

"Congrats mom and dad, it's twins

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"Congrats mom and dad, it's twins." The doctor said. "Oh my god." I covered my mouth. I mean, wow, this is crazy. I'm going to give birth to not just one, but two kids. "Okay, well that explains the extra symptoms. We're gonna have to do check ups more often just to monitor baby A and B." After she got me cleaned up I made my next appointment and Jaden and I got in his car.

"Holy shit, we're gonna have two kids?" He asked. "I can't believe this." I said in shock. "How are you feeling baby?" He asked. "I'm even more terrified then I was before." I said. He stayed quiet. "I mean, now I have to give birth to 2 babies. I- what if I can't J? What is something goes wrong?" I asked. He placed his hand on my leg. "Listen, you're gonna do amazing. Everything will be okay." He said. I nodded. I was scared, but he always knew how to calm me down.


Here we were sat with Bryce, telling him I'm pregnant.  "So..." I said. Bryce looked at me with wide eyes and his mouth slightly open. "You're pregnant?" He asked in shock. I nodded. "Jaden you're a fucking idiot." He said. I laughed a little and Jaden stayed quiet. "That's not on me. She said she was on birth control." Jaden said. Bryce looked at me then said, "You're lucky I love you. Itherwise I'd be calling you an idiot right now too." I laughed again. "I am on birth control. I've never missed a day. Since I was 16 years old." I said.

"How far along are you" Bryce asked. "7 weeks." I said. "Wow." He said. "There's more." Jaden said. "More!?" Bryce asked. "Yeah... So... I'm pregnant... with twins." I said. "There's gonna be two!?" He asked making me laugh a little more. "Yeah, two." I said. "Wow, I mean, I'm happy for you guys. This is amazing. I just wish you guys were a little smarter." He said. "Yeah..." I said softly.

*That Night*

I laid down on Jaden's bed looking down at my belly. I knew soon it wasn't going to stay like this. Which scared me quite a bit. I couldn't help but see the bump that wouls soon be there. "Whatcha thinking about Baby?" Jaden asked. "Uh, just about how my stomach is about to grow quite a bit. I mean, here soon I'll have a baby bump. And not long after my stomach will look like watermelon." I said. "Baby-" "It's fine. I'm joking around. It's not upsetting. It's just scary." "Yeah, I can only imagine how you're feeling and all the stuff you have to mentally and physically prepare for." He said. "Yeah." I said softly.

"What are we going to do when fans find out?" I asked. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I mean, this is just brewing hate right now. As soon as people find out that we have only been together for a few months before I got pregnant social media is going to be like hell." I said. "Yeah well fuck everyone who wants to say shit." He said. I laughed a little. "Of course you would say that." I said. "I'm serious." He leaned over and kissed my lips. He then moved down and kissed my stomach all over. "Mommy and Daddy love you both so much and we can't wait to meet you." Jaden whispered. I smiled and quietly took a picture to remeber this moment. He kissed my stomach on last time before he laid next to me. "You're absolutely fucking perfect." He said. "So are you." I replied.

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