Chapter 16

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I woke up to feeling soft kisses being left on my neck, and face. "So soft it could've been a butterfly kissing me. "Wake upppp." I heard Jaden say. My eyes fluttered open seeing Jaden. "Hi." He said with a wide smile. "Hi." I said softly with a small smile. "You were taking forever to wake up. I wanted to speed up the process a little." He said making me let out a small laugh. "Sorry." He said softly. "Don't be sorry." I said softly. He brought his hand up to my cheek. His thumb softly rubbed over the skin. "You wanna talk about what was going on?" He asked. I took a deep breath remebering that I had told him we could talk about it in the morning.

I had stayed quiet and he knew this must have been something really serious. "Baby, you can talk to me. You know that right?" He asked. "I know." I said softly. "So, talk to me." He said. "I don't know how to tell you J." I said as I sat up. He sat up as well and placed his hand on mine. "What are you gonna say you're pregnant?" He asked with a small laugh. I stayed quiet. His eyes went wide and he pulled his hand away from mine. "Are you?" He asked. I bit my lip softly. I reaced over to my nightstand drawer and grabbed one of the tests. I turned back to him and placed it in his hands. "Oh." He said softly. "Oh? I was kind of hoping for maybe more than that as a response." I said softly chuckling to make this situation a little lighter.

"What do you want me to say? I-I'm not ready for that Bailey." He said as he stood up. "Jaden-" "Are you keeping the baby?" He asked. I took a second, but then nodded. "How are we supposed to be parents Bailey? We're still kids ourselves. And we have only been dating a few months and we-" He stopped. "We just can't." "Jaden, I've made up my mind about keeping the baby. I'm going to grow a child in my stomach, and I'm going to give birth, and I'm going to raise that child, and I'm going to be the best mom I can be." I said as I stood up. A few tears rolled down my cheeks. "Listen, if you're ready for that, great. But I can't be a dad. Okay? I just can't." He said. He then walked out of the room.

As soon as the door closed tears streamed down my face. This couldn't be happening. I didn't know what to do. So I texted Dixie. I told her everything. That's when she told me to just go to her house. I figured that was a good idea. Just staying there. I got a bag and put some clothes, and all my esentials in it. I got changed into a casual outfit, and fixed my hair, and I then grabbed the test Jaden had left in the room. I took a deep breath. I walked out and went to Jadens room. I opened the door and saw Jaden sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands.

He looked up and he saw me. "Bailey-" "Listen, you don't have to stay with me. And you don't have to be here for this child. That's fine. But I need to know for sure if you aren't going to be here for the baby. Because I'm not gonna just let all this pass as if it means nothing." I said. "Bailey, I just don't see how I can be a dad." Hesaid. I nodded knowing what that meant. "Okay." I said softly.

He saw my bag and his eyes softened. "Where are you going?" He asked. "I'm staying with Dixie and Charli. I just kinda need to be around people who are at least somewhat happy about this. And people who want to be there for not only me, but for my child." I said. "Bailey.." "Oh and I have something for you." I said. I walked over to him and I handed him the test. He looked up at me. I shrugged and said. "Incase you ever want to remeber that you could have a son or daughter somewhere in the world." I said. He stayed quiet. I then just left his room.

I walked downstairs and I saw Bryce. "Hey sis, where you going?" He asked. "Oh, uh- I'm gonna stay with Charli and Dixie for a bit." I said. "Oh, is everything okay?" He asked. "Yeah, everything is fine." I said with a smile. Luckily he bought it. "Alright sis. I'll see you." He said I nodded and he hugged me. "You would tell me though if something was wrong. Right?" He asked. "Yeah, of course." I lied. "Okay." He said softly.

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