Chapter 11

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"You wanna tell him or should I?" Blake asked. "Please stop Blake." I said softly. "Bailey?" Bryce asked. I took a deep breath. "Bailey's been sleeping with Jaden." Blake said. I looked at Blake, then at Bryce who looked pissed. "What the actual fuck!?" He said. "Bryce I'm sorry. Okay, I know-" Bryce walked past me and stood infront of Jaden. "You're a real piece of shit Jaden. You know that?" "Bryce stop." I said. "I can't believe you. Either of you!" Bryce said. He shoved Jaden back, but Jaden didn't fight back. He just took it. Bryce then walked out the front door.

I looked at Blake. "Blake, I'm sorry. I really am. I just- I-" "You're a slut." He said. I was taken back at his words. "Hey man, there's no need for that." Jaden said. "Jaden, shut the fuck up. Okay? I wasn't talking to you." Blake said. "You know what, first off, you guys were in an open relationship, so you could do things like this. And second, maybe if you would have actually given her an orgasam while you two were sleeping together, maybe we wouldn't have hooked up. Maybe you should pay more attention to what she wants rather than what you want." Jaden said. "Jaden." I said softly. "Don't act like you know anything about her." Blake said. "I know how to make her cum." He said as he shrugged. "Fuck you both." Blake said before he walked off.

I looked at Jaden as I felt my eyes water. "Bailey-" "Why did you do that?" I asked. "What?" He asked. "Why would you tell him about that?" I asked. "Bailey look, I'm sorry, but I wasn't just gonna stand here and let him call you a slut. And well, that just kinda came out." He said. "I am a slut Jaden. I mean, I hooked up with not one, but two of my brothers best friends." "Don't say that Bailey." "It's true. I'm the biggest slut of them all. At least I don't just pretend I'm not. I know I am. Because it's pretty clear at this point." I said. I started breaking down. But I couldn't completely. Not here. Not now. "Please don't say that about yourself. You aren't a slut. Okay?" He said. "Don't lie to me." I said.

"YOU'RE NOT! Just because you slept with two people doesn't make you a slut! You are nothing of the sort!" He said. Just then it all hit me. The tears poured down my cheeks, I wanted to stop it, but I couldn't. Jaden steped closer to me to comfort me. "Bailey, I-" I cut him off by pushing his hands away and stepping back. "Why are you moving away from me?" He asked. "I-It can't be you to be comforting me J. It's wrong. What we did was messed up." I said. "Are you serious right now?" He asked. "Jaden I'm sorry okay. It's just- we can't." I said. "Got it." He said. With that he walked off. "Ja-" I stopped myself.


I was up in my room, and I sat on my bed, my head to my knees crying. That's all I could do. This whole time Jaden keeps coming to talk to me, but I tell him to leave, and he does. Just then there was a knock on my door. "Go away Jaden! Please just leave me alone!" I said through my tears. "It's not Jaden." I heard Addisons voice say. "Why are you here?" I asked. "Because your brother is pissed, and wont tell me why, he said that if I really wanted to know to talk to you." She said. I stayed quiet. "Can I come in?" She asked. "Yeah." I said.

She walked in and I wiped my tears. "Babes, what happened?" She asked. "I fucked up. Like... Badly." I said. "What do you mean?" She asked. "I slept with Jaden." "I know you already told me tha-" "Again... Like since me and Blake." I said. "What!?" She asked. "Blake and I had started having sex, and the first time, he finished before I did and I just pretended to finish. And afterwards I ended up going to my room to try and help myseelf. But then Jaden came to my room and he found out and he offered to help me. And so we hooked up. And then ever since then any time Blake and I have slept together I go to Jaden after because Blake could never seem to give me an orgasam. And then today, Blake found out. He got mad. And when Jaden and I were talking to him about it, Bryce walked in. Blake told him. Now Bryce hates Jaden, and me. Then he left. Then Blake and Jaden started fighting because Blake called me a slut and then I-"

"He what!?" "He called me a slut." I said softly. "Oh my god! You aren't a slut!" She said. "Yeah, well once Blake left, Jaden tried telling me the same thing, and somehow I just ended up pushing him away. and I don't know what to do. I feel horrible for what I did to Blake." I said softly. "You didn't do anything wrong. Blake was the one that said an open relationship. Was he not?" She asked. I nodded. "So you weren't cheating on him. So nothing about what you did was wrong." "What about Bryce?" I asked. "What about him!? He brought you into a house filled with Fuck Boys, did he really expect you to not hookup with one or more of them?" She asked. "I don't know." I said.

Just then there was a knock on my door. "Bailey, please can we talk?" I heard Jaden say. "No g-" I stopped as I looked at Addison. "Talk to him." She said softly. I stayed quiet. She got up and walked to the door opening it revealing a distressed Jaden. She walked out and looked at him. "Don't do anything stupid. She's already hurting enough." Addison said. Jaden looked at me, his eyes were red and puffy. Was he crying? "Can I please come in?" He asked. "Yeah." I said softly as I stood up.

He walked in and closed the door. I quickly walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I hugged him tightly as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Jaden, I'm so sorry." I said. "Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything." "Its all my fault. All of this. I'm sorry you are dragged into this shit." I said. "Hey, stop it. This is on both of us. We both knew what we were getting into." He said. "I just feel like verything is fucked up. I mean, Bruce hates us, and Blake hates us... and-" "Bryce is a baby... But he will get over it. And Blake has no reason to be upset. You guys aren't together, and you didn't cheat on him." He said. "I know... It's just... I don't know." I said with a sigh.

"Look at me." He said softly. I looked up, and my eyes met his. "Please don't put yourself down about this. Okay?" He said softly. I nodded. I hugged him again and i took in his sent. His cologne smell was the perfect sent. It always calmed me down. "I love you Bailey." He said. I pulled away slightly and looked at him. "What?" I asked. "Shit..." He said. I stayed quiet. "I uh- I didn't mean-I mean, I did mean- but- I-uh-" "Jaden!" I said stopping his rambling. "I love you Bailey." He said softly. I smiled as I looked at him. "I love you too." I said softly. He leaned forward to kiss me. But as our lips brushed I flinched away. "Oh..." He said. "No- It's just- Right now isn't the best time for that. You know... with evrything with my brother and Blake." He nodded. "Yeah, you're right." I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for being here for me." I said. "Of course." He said.

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