Chapter 19

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"Sweetie listen, we are always here for you. No matter what. This baby is gonna have some amazing parents." Amy said. "Thank you. It means so much that you aren't like... mad." I said to her. "I mean, sure you guys are young. But if you guys are happy about it, then so are we." John said. I smiled. Both his parents hugged me. I was so glad Jaden's parents weren't mad at us. "How have you been going to appointments? Did you get help from anyone?" "One of my friends moms got me all set up." I said. "Okay, well if you need someone to go with you to any of your appointments, the excited grandma would love to go." Amy said to me. I smiled.

"Have you told you parents yet?" She asked. I went quiet. "Mom... sore topic." Jaden said. "Oh, I'm so sorry." She said. "It's okay. It's not that bad." She stayed quiet. "My mom... she passed away when I was nine. And my dad has been in and out of jail since around the same time." I said softly. "Oh sweeite, I'm so sorry." She said. "It's okay. I promise. It's really not a big deal." I said. She looked at me sympathetically and I gave her a soft smile. Jaden reached over and grabbed my hand and rubbed it softly. I looked at him and he smiled. I smiled back. "You guys are so cute together." His mom said making us both chuckle "Welcome to the family Bailey." His dad said. I smiled.


"I'm glad your parents took it as well as they did." I said. "Yeah, me too." He added. "How do you think she will react when she finds out shes gonna have two grandchildren?" I asked. "That'll be fun to see her reaction." He said making me laugh. "Jaden thank you for being here for me, and the babies." I said. "There is nowhere I'd rather be." He said. "No, Im serious. It means a lot. I grew up with a dad who was barely around, and a mom who could barely afford to keep me safe and healthy. My dad was always yelling at my mom... or worse. So it means a lot you stayed. And that you are so sweet." I said. "Bailey, I'm never gonna be like the guy your dad was. Okay? I promise. I will never hurt you, or the kids. And I won't leave any of you." He said. "God you're perfect." I said making him laugh. "I'm far from it." He said.

*Few Weeks Later*

"JADEN!" I yelled. Instantly he ran into the bathroom with a paniced expression. "What? What's wrong baby?" He asked. I turned and looked at him. "I have a baby bump." I said. "What?" He asked. "Look!" I said he looked down to my stomach seeing the forming bump. "Holy shit." I laughed. He walked over and placed his hand on my stomach. "I can't believe this is real." He said softly. "Me neither."

*At appointment*

"Wow, it looks like you finally have a bump coming in." The doctor said with a smile. I smiled back. "Okay, so today we are just going to do the ultrasound and check their heartbeats." "Okay." I said softly

*After appointment*

*After appointment*

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"10 weeks already." I said. "Holy shit they're getting big." Jaden said as he looked at the ultrasound. I laughed a little. "They are becoming humans already." I said softly. He smiled widely. "We made them!?" He asked. I laughed a little more. In a few weeks we get to find out what were having. Time is flying by. I mean how is this possible. "What do you think their genders are?" He asked. "Well, since they are identical they are most likely going to be the same. I'm gonna say girs." "I'm gonna say they are both boys." He said and I laughed a little. "Well, we're gonna find out in a few weeks." I said. "Yeah." He said softly.

*That Night*

As we laid in bed Jaden rubbed his hand up and down my stomach. "My stomach isn't gonna stay this small forever." I said softly. "Yeah." He said softly. "It's kinda scary." I said softly. "Baby..." He said. "I mean, what if after I give birth my stomach just looks... gross?" I asked. "Baby it won't look gross. You're absolutely beautiful." He said. "You have to say that. You're my boyfriend." I said. "Sure, but you are beautiful. No bullshit." He said. "You're fucking gorgeous no matter what." He said. "Thank you bub." I said softly. "Anytime." He said.

He kissed my cheek and said, "No matter what you look like before and after giving  irth, you;re still gonna look beautiful. And you;re still gonna make everyones jaws drop." I smiled at him. "And I know you, you;re gonna be doing everything you can to get your body back to how it was, even if you don't need to." He said. "I love you Jaden. You know that?" "I love you too." He said before kissing my lips softly. "Goodnight J." I said. "Goodnight baby. And goodnight my future sons or daughters." He said and I smiled.

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