Chapter 9

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(Warning: This is a really kinky and long chapter)

"Do you want me to walk away?" He asked me. I gulped as his body being so close to me, and the things he was suggesting was making me even more wet. "Jaden..." I started, but I stopped as I felt his hand on my waist and moving down to my hip. Then to my ass. "Please help me." I said. He smirked. "Anything for you princess." He said keeping that smirk on his face. I bit my lip out of excitement. Jaden never let me have a bad time in bed. It was always so perfect.

He pushed me back and walked in closing anfd locking my door behind him. I stepped back just to look at him, and he quickly pulled off his shirt. "I'm gonna make you feel so good baby." He said. I bit my lip holding back a smile. He walked towards me and picked me up and spun me around a little. I leaned into his lips and kissed him hard. And before I knew it, Jaden fell back on the bed with me still in his arms. "No one is here. You can be as loud as you want tonight." He said. I smiled at him.

He placed his hands under my shirt and massaged my boobs though my bra. He smirked at the feeling of my lacy bra. I knew it was one of his favorites, so I smirked as well. "Are you wearing what I think you're wearing?" He asked. I bit my lips holding back a smile as I nodded slowly. "It's like you knew I'd be fucking you tonight." He said. His hands moved and pulled off my shirt. And he groaned at the sight of me. "You look so good baby." He said. I moved my hands to his chest, trailing them all the way down to his v-line. My fingers hooked into his pants and boxers. "Not yet babygirl. You've gotta be patient." He said. "Please daddy, I just need you so bad." I said whining. "I know baby, you'll have me. Just wait." He said. "Please." I said softly. "Baby, I'm gonna make you cum so many times that you won't be able to cum for Blake. We'll do things he's too vanilla to be able to do with you." He said. "Like what?" I asked slowly rocking my hips causing friction between us.

He placed his hands on my hip stopping my movements. "Nothing if you don't stop moving." He said. I sighed then said, "Fine." "I want you to ride my face." He said. "W-what?" I asked. "Oh come on, don't tell me you don't want to." He said. I thought about it, only for a second. "O-okay." I said. "You're so cute when you're nervous." He said. I blushed a little. "Come on, let's get your shorts off." He said. I nodded and lifted myself from him just enough to have him pull off my shorts and my underwear. "All right, come on babygirl." He said. "J, I don't know h-" "It's gonna be fine. Just do what makes you feel good. Okay?" He asked. I nodded.

He helped me move to hover myself over his face. And as I did I let out a soft moan. His tongue moved around inside of me causing me to moan louder. "Shit." I said. I started grinding against his face. I felt my high coming already. I needed it so bad. "I'm so close already." I said. He nodded a little more and moved his tongue around faster. "Fuck! Daddy I'm gonna cum!" I said as I moved my hips harder. My stomach tightened and not long after I let go releasing all over Jaden's face. I took a moment and then climbed off his face and straddled his waist again.

"Wow baby, it's been too long since I've tasted you." He said. He then looked at me. "Are you ready for more?" He asked. "Yes. Please daddy. I need more." I said. He smirked at me. "Okay, be a good girl and lay down on the bed." He said. I instantly removed myself from him and I laid down on the bed as he got up. He looked over at my nightstand where the vibrator had been sitting. Just then I knew what was going through his head.

He moved to hover over me and he smiled. "You sure you're ready for more?" He asked. I nodded egerly. He leaned down and kissed me softly. "You're alwayssuch a good girl. Huh baby?" He said. I nodded. He moved down and kissed and sucked on my neck and collar bone making me moan. He moved all the way down to my stomach, and he left a kiss right above my heat. He climbed off the bed and walked to the nightstand and grabbed the vibrator.

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