Chapter 6

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"Gotta get your clothes off baby." He said. He leaned forward and kissed my lips. As he pulled away he lifted off my bra. His hand went straight to my boob. Massaging it making me let out soft moans. We started walking backwards till my legs hit his bed and I fell back he brought his hand to the band of my shorts. "Can I take these off?" He asked. I nodded quickly. "Please." I said. He pulled my shorts along with my underwear. He leaned down and kissed my lower stomach. "Move up on the bed baby." He said. I did just that as he pulled off his pants and boxers. I forgot how big he was. It worried me. The thought of him inside of me. I knew it would hurt.

He smirked at me. "Like what you see baby?" I nodded as I bit my lip. He came over to the bed and crawled up placing his legs between mine as he hovered over me. "You look so good under me." He said. "Yeah?" I asked. "Mmm hmm." He said. I brought my hands up to the back of his neck and I pulled him down to attach our lips together. He pulled away. "You sure you want this?" He asked. I smiled. "Yeah. Can you just start off slow?" I asked. "Yeah, of course." He said. "If you want to stop at all, just tell me. Okay?" He asked. I nodded. "Are you on the pill?" He asked. "Yeah." He smiled. He then leaned down and kissed me again as he inserted the tip. I sucked in a deep breath as he did so. It's been a long time since I've had anything like this. "You okay?" He asked. "Mmm hmm." I said. "Can I keep going?" He asked. I nodded quickly. "Someone's needy." He said with a cocky smile. "Shut up." I said making him and I both chuckle. He pushed in all the way and looked at me as a year rolled down my cheek. "Oh baby, are you okay?" I nodded. "It's just been awhile, so it hurts." I said. "I will stay here till you are okay for me to move. Okay?" I nodded. He leaned down and kissed my lips softly, and then he kissed my forehead.

After a few moments it didn't hurt as much. "J- you can move." I said. "You sure?" He asked. "Mm hmm." I said. He started moving slowly and soon all the pin went away. I've never felt this amazing during sex. "C-can you go faster?" I asked. He smirked slightly and soon moved faster. "S-shit." I said gasping. "Does that feel good baby?" He asked. "S-so good." I said as I moaned. He moved faster and I moaned louder. "God baby you're so tight. Your pussy feels so good." He said. "Fuck Jaden." I said. "That's not my name baby." He said as he thrusted harder into me. "FUCKKKKK!" I yelled. Jaden brought his hand down circling my clit. Just then he hit my g-spot repeatedly. "Shit!" I moaned. "DADDYYYYY!" I screamed as I moaned. "What do you want baby?" He asked. "Please go faster." I said. At this point he was going as fast as humanly possible. Skin clapping together. Moans from both of us. As he repeatedly hit my g-spot I felt that knot in my stomach. "Fuck daddy I'm gonna cum." I said. "Hold it princess." He said. I continued moaning. He continued thrusting and I felt my stomach about to explode. "Please daddy. I need to cum." I said. "Hold it a little longer baby." He said. As much as I wanted to do as I was told, I couldn't. "Please let me cum daddy." "Let go baby." He said. That's all it took for me to release. Jaden continued his thrusts. Not slowing down at all. "Daddy!" I yelled feeling that high build again. "I'm so close baby. Where do you want me to cum?" He asked. "In me. Cum inside me daddy." I said. "Mmm, my baby is such a slut huh?" He asked as he continued. "Your slut." I said with a smirk. I felt him slow down, I know he still wasn't ready to cum. So I used the little bit of strength I had left to flip us over.

He looked at me as he bit his lip. "Fuck baby." He said as he grabbed my hips guiding me to rock my hips against him while bouncing. "Fuck!" I said as I moaned. "Just like that baby. Don't stop." He said. I squeezed myself around him and he moaned. He twitched inside of me. "Fuck I'm so close baby." He said. "Cum daddy. Cum inside of me." I said. He grabbed my hips and held them still and then he began thrusting up into me in a very hard and fast motion. "Fuck daddy!" I screamed as he hit my g-spot." "Cum with me baby." He said. He kept thrusting up into me. "Fuck daddy I'm cumming!" I screamed. Just then I felt him shoot his load in me, and I came around him. He moved in and out slowly letting us both ride out our highs. As he came to a stop he slowly pulled out of me. We laid down next to each other with out breathing being heavy.

"Shit that was-" He stopped. "Yeah." I said. We both looked at each other and started to laugh a little. I can't believe we just did that. "We should do that more often." He said. I took a deep breath. "Jaden, we really have to stop this. I feel bad sneaking around behind Bryce's back." I said. "Bailey..." Jaden said. "This is fun and all, but-" "But what? Bryce has nothing to do with this. What do you want?" He asked. "I-I don't know." I said. "It doesn't have to be anything serious Bails. We could just be casual hookups. Since there is already so much sexual tension between us." He said. "Can we just talk about this later? Like so I have some time do think?" I asked. "Yeah, of course." He said. He looked at me then said, "I'll be right back. I'm gonna get something to clean you up." He said. "Okay." I said softly. He got up and but on his sweats. The he walked out of the room. Not long after he game back with a wet washcloth. He helped clean me up then looked at me.

"Do you want me to dress you?" He asked. "Yes please." I said. He smiled at me. He grabbed his boxers and then a large t shirt from one of my drawers. "These will be more comfortable than your shorts." He said. I gave him a soft smile and he helped me into my clothes. "Will you stay with me? At least till the boys come back?" I asked. "Yeah, of course." He said. He walked over and laid on my bed next to me. I moved over throwing one of my legs over him, and wrapping my arms around him. "I can't believe we did that." I said softly. "Do you regret it?" He asked. "No, not at all. The exact opposite honestly." I said. "I mean it Bailey, think about it. We could be like... friends with benefits." He said. I looked up at him. "I like that idea." I said. "Really?" He asked. "Yeah." I said as I nodded. He leaned down and kissed me. "Just Bryce can't find out. Like at all. Or any of the boys for that matter. Especially Blake." I said. "Blake? Why?" He asked. "I told Blake that nothing could happen with him and I because of Bryce. So if he finds out I turned around a fucked you..." I stopped. "Got it." He said.

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