Chapter 8

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It's been a few weeks since everything happened. Blake and I have gone on a few dates, and we decided to keep it open right now. I don't think either of us are ready for a relationship. So, it's basically just dating, but we can still see other people. Now, Jaden and I are okay... We agreed to just go back to being friends.

I was in the bathroom getting ready for a date with Blake. I got changed into my blue ripped jeans, and a black hoodie that I'm not sure where it came from. I then fixed my hair, I straightene dit to get rid of the frizzyness, and then I started doing my makeup. "Hey." I heard. I turned and saw Jaden. "Hey." I said softly. "You look good." He said. "Thanks." I said. "You really don't need the makeup though." "How many times am I going to tell you, I do need it. severely." I said. "No you don't. You're beautiful. Especially without it. And I'm going to keep saying that until you believe it." He said. I looked at him for a moment. He really is so sweet. I smiled softly and said, "Thanks J." He smiled back. "So where are you off to?" He asked. "A date with Blake." I said. His smile then turned to a frown.

"So you're gonna wear my hoodie on a date with your boyfriend?" He asked. I looked down at the sweater. "This is yours?" I asked. "Yeah." He said with a small chuckle. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know. Here, you can have it back." I grabbed the bottom of the sweater and started to lift it, but he placed his hand on mine stopping me from removing it. "Keep it." He said softly. "Jaden-" "We're friends. Friends share clothes." "So does that mean you're gonna wear one of my skirts?" I asked with a smile. He chuckled and said, "Maybe." He shrugged, making me laugh. "Now that is something I would pay to see." I said. He smiled at me.

"Oooo... You could match me for halloween in a little over a month." I said. "What do you mean by that?" He asked. "Agree and I'll tell you." "Uhh... how about... no. I want to know first." He said. "Nopeeee." I said. "Fine, I'll match you." "Great. I'll order your costume!" I said."No wait, what is the costume." I just smirked then walked past him, patting his shoulder. "Oh god." I stopped and looked at him and said, "Also, Blake isn't my boyfriend. It's an open thing." I then walked out and went downstairs and I saw Blake talking to Bryce. "Ready to go?" Blake asked. "Yup." I said with a smile. "New hoodie?" He asked. "Uh yeah... I got it from a friend." I said. "Nice." He said with a smile.


I was laying with Blake on his bed watching Riverdale (Before the show went to shit) When it got to a scene where there was a heated makeout session. Not gonna lie, it was really hot. And it had been a while since I've had any sort of release, and so of course, I got turned on. I looked at blake who had his eyes focused on the show. I fought with myself on if I should do anything about being in the mood. But at the end of the day, my horny-ness won.

I placed my hand on his chest and moved it up to his colar bone where my fingers softly drew shapes. "Blake?" I said in almost a whisper. "Hmm?" He asked not looking away from the TV. I placed my hand on the side of his face bringing him to look at me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I bit my lip spftly as I looked at him. And with that I leaned forward and kissed him. This wasn't the first time we had kissed. Nor was it the first time it got heated. But we hadn't slept together. Making out was as far as it ever went. He pulled me on to his lap and he would softl squeeze my ass making me moan.

"Blake, I need you." I said against his lips. "You sure?" He asked. "Yes, I'm sure." I said.


We laid there on his bed. "That was great." He said. "Mmm hmm." I lied. I mean, don't get me wrong. It was great. Just he didn't last very long, and so I had to fake it. Which means I'm still unbelievably horny. It's now worse than it was before. Just then he got a call. He answered it and talked for a moment. Soon he hung up and looked at me. "I'm so sorry. I've gotta go." He said. I was honestly releaved. This means I can go to my room and help myself. "It's okay." I said softly. He got out of bed and pulled his boxers and pants on. He then leaned down and kissed my lips softly. "I'll see you later." He said. "Mmm hmm." I said.

As he left I got up and put on my clothes quickly and then I went to my room. I went into my closet and found the box I had in the top that had a bunch of thing to help me out. I grabbed a vibrator qickly and then I went to my bed. I quickly pulled off my shorts and quickly got to it wanting nothing more than a release.

As I did so, I bot my lips to hold back my moans. and I felt my high coming quick from how horny I had been. But then there was a knock on the door. "I swear to fucking God." I said under my breath. I removed the vibrator from myself, and I pulled on my shorts and walked to the door unlocking it then opening it. Jaden was standing there. "Can I help you?" I asked sounding pretty rude. "Damn, okay. I was going to ask if you wanted to go get coffee with me." He said. I threw my head back. I was so annoyed. Thats what he came here for!? He stopped me right before cumming to ask if I wanted to get coffee with him.

"I'm good." I said. My breathing was still heavy from my near orgasam. "You okay?" He asked. "I'm fine." I said just wanting him to leave. "You're a horrible liar." He said. I then saw his eyes move to behind me where he saw my bed, and the vibrator that laid there on it. "Ohhhh.. I see." He said with a smile. "Okay, so now you know whats wrong. So could you... I don't know.. leave?"  asked. I wasn't trying to be rude. I was just really REALLY horny.

"Why didn't you just get your boyfriend to help you?" He asked. "First, he's not my boyfriend. And second, that's none of your bisnuess." I said. "Come on, don't be scared to tell me what I already know." He said. "You don't know anything." I said. "He finished too quick didn't he?" Jaden asked. I went quiet. "I heard you two moaning. So since you're trying to help yourself, then that means he didn't do a good enough job." He said. "I don't see how this involves you." I said.

"That thing isn't going to give you a very good orgasam." He said ignoring what I had said. "Yeah, well it's kinda my only option, and I really just wanna finish. So if you could just leave me be... that would be absolutely fucking perfect." I said.

"Let me help you." He said. "Jaden-" "It's not like it would be a first time." He said. "We can't." I said. "Oh right, because of your not boyfriend, the one that made the deal with you that you weren't tied down, and that you could mess around with other people." He said. He steppd cloer to me. "Jaden." I said. "Tell me you don't want to and I'll walk away right now and let you use that weak vibrator to give you a simple release." He said as he moved even closer to me. Our chests touching, and I could feel his breath against my skin.

"Do you want me to walk away?" He asked. 

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