Chapter 7

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Vixen's butler, Ferron, doubted his ears.

"It means someone who knows how to deal with a bow, shot a man in the watchtower and sneaked in through the door."

"Then, brother. You can explain the scent of blood as there was probably a battle."

I whispered to Xenon just in case. "Did you want me to explain that?"

"No, you don't have to."

In fact, the butler understood most of the situation since the moment there were no people in the watchtower. Though, what the butler found out was different from what the seven-year-old princess did.

"Did the Duke give her special training in secret?"

"No, he came across her and brought her in."

"But how can she..." Ferron was not convinced.

No matter how much genius she was, he couldn't understand the insight she had.

"Well, I still don't understand."

"If you don't understand, just accept it."

"Do you understand?"

"If I don't understand, I should just accept it."

"I'm glad you understand."

Ferron frowned.

"I'm going to accompany Prince Vixen first then." Then, Ferron disappeared.

He went to Vixen, who ran first, secretly.

Xenon walked behind Viola, who was walking slowly.

"Are you going to follow the prince?"


"How come?"

"I found a tiny footprint leading here. They didn't move in groups, so I don't think it's bandits."

I know everything, actually.

The fact that Tundra was here.

"A child skilled in tracking. I think they're about twelve years old."

"That's interesting. Why did he come to the cottage on his own?"

"Why do you think?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

He gave a plausible reason.

"It's the brother of the child who died earlier. I'm sure he has a grudge. He's a child with no sense of remorse, so he didn't care."


"Why? Am I wrong in my analysis?"

"No, it's exactly the same as what I analyzed." Viola kept walking.

A scream came from far away.

A violent scream.

Vixen seemed to be punishing the bandits.

Viola's body stiffened. 'In this world, I have to get used to it.'

She walked past the yard. Everywhere, there were old wooden buildings in the form of huts.

"A child who doesn't know what to do. He was blinded by vengeance and chased after them to this place."

She continued. "Maybe they were shot or axed before he got his revenge. That's why there was no disturbance inside."

Xenon listened to Viola in silence. He guessed that Viola wasn't just talking about this.

'You're telling me to listen.'

I Played the Role of the Adopted Daughter Too Well - [Author: 다나 ]Where stories live. Discover now