Chapter 68

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Jermi tilted his head. "Kang Hanjun?"

Even the pronunciation was unfamiliar to him.

Someone walked out of the darkness, a young boy with blue hair and blue eyes.

Jermi looked at the boy curiously and asked, "You. Are you a human being? You can't be..."

It was strange. It had eyes, but there were no signs of life within them. It felt like a ghost.

"I'm a spirit."


"It's my first time seeing a spirit," Jermi said curiously.

"It's my first time seeing a human being, too."

The spirit headed for Viola. As she had already come to her senses, she felt her heart pounding.

'Korea. And Kang Hanjun. That spirit knows about me.'

Did it go through the spirit gate? What if it became known that she came from another world and occupied the body of Viola?

She might be hunted as a witch. Xenon didn't even seem to be around, which meant he was probably wandering somewhere.

At least the spirit didn't know everything about her. If it had to ask what Korea was and if Jermi was Kang Hanjun, then it didn't know everything.

Viola's heart became lighter.

"Well, I don't know either."

"No way."

"That can't be true."

Viola took out the dagger and approached the spirit.

"What are you doing?"

"You're a spirit who passed the spirit gate without signing a contract with a human being, right?" She walked without hesitation and grabbed the boy in the back of his head and put the dagger to his neck.

The boy struggled, but could not overcome Viola's grip. "Let me go! I'm going to get angry!"

"What are you going to do? Uncontracted spirits lose most of their power as they pass through the spirit gate."

"Wait, what?"

"He seems to have passed through the gate out of curiosity."

The boy continued struggling futilely.

"And I don't know if you've heard of it, but this dagger is a magic weapon made at Verratoux's special production workshop." She pressed it lightly on the boy's neck. "Magic weapons can also hurt the spirit's body."

The spirit swallowed nervously. Anyone could see that he was scared.

"So you'd better stop thinking about playing tricks by peeking at other people's memories." Viola squinted her eyes and sent her mana into him just as he had done. She began to glow.

And then he began to hiccup. Young spirits tended to hiccup when they felt extreme fear.

"I hope you don't even claim that the distorted things you saw in your dreams are my memories."

"But the people in white gowns in something with four wheels that makes a loud noise..."

"I had a similar dream." I put the dagger closer.

The spirit's body trembled, mana pulsing. "Right. A dream."


"Yeah. I think I heard my sister tell me that dream. Let me go."

I Played the Role of the Adopted Daughter Too Well - [Author: 다나 ]Where stories live. Discover now