Chapter 8

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Arin's consciousness became blurry. A voice escaped Viola's lips.

Viola's eyes were a little red.

"Did you just point a knife at me?"

Viola slapped Tundra on the cheek.


Tundra's cheeks swelled red and just collapsed helplessly.

It happened in a blink of an eye when Viola slowly crushed Tundra.

"This hybrid dog."

Soon, Viola crushed Tundra's back with her knees. She pushed Tundra on his back and shoved the dagger into his mouth.

"Hmm. What happens if I put pressure on the side?"

Arin's consciousness struggled, shouting, 'This isn't it!'

Her body was out of control. It felt like it was taken over by the real Viola.

'I have to take over again.'

She had to get back somehow.

'If I leave it like this...'

It really seemed like something terrible was going to happen.

And Arin knew. 'Tundra can resist if he wants to.'

It wasn't because he couldn't resist and just stayed still. Tundra's talent and Viola's talents were neck and neck, assuming that neither received any education.

It was not like the male lead was helpless.

Though, he's not resisting.

Arin read Tundra's mind.

'I came all the way here for revenge, but I just want to give up.'

'I think it's over now.'

Arin knows how that feels. That was how she felt in middle school.

Her mom died a long time ago, so she wasn't there. Her dad said that he was coming for her, but he just left her behind.

People around her shuddered due to the fact that she didn't have any parents or guardians. She didn't have much reason to live.

'I'll be there for you.'

If it wasn't for Kang Han-Joon, Arin might have jumped off the roof that day. Tundra's psychological state was clearly visible.

He must already have a hunch that his sister is dead. So, he is afraid to move forward.

He doesn't have the courage to face his father's body.

'So I'd rather just die here.' He was heartbroken.

It was heartbreaking to think that he would be thinking that way with that kind of reaction on his face and body.

'Huh? He's moving.'

His body moved, and he slowly regained his consciousness.

She glanced behind her. Xenon stood there with a very pleased expression.

When Vixen came, he looked a little defeated. His lips just went agape.

Xenon said with a grin.

"Clean work, princess."

Viola was heartbroken.

She didn't expect it. 'Is this a side effect of her possessing this body?'

But first, she felt like she had to deal with the current situation.

I Played the Role of the Adopted Daughter Too Well - [Author: 다나 ]Where stories live. Discover now