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Charles and I had been avoiding each other. Well he avoided me. I don't really have a filter all the time. The time I told him I wasn't a fan of his aggressive mistakes was one of those times. It was testing time and the car was ready. I was wearing a pair of white jeans with a Ferrari polo. My red hair in a ponytail and my sunglasses in my hair. I walked around the paddock to the hospitality area of Ferrari. I dropped off my bag and went to the garage. I talked with the mechanics and some other important people before finding my spot on the pit wall. I looked at all the screens so I knew where to look at. Charles sat down next to me so we could talk through the plan of his first drive of the 3 testing days. I talked him through the things he should focus on with this drive and then I heard a loud whistle behind me. My muscles tensed as I recognized the sound. Charles frowned at my reaction to the whistle. I squinted my eyes closed and crossed myself while making a silent prayer only my mouth moving. I turned around and saw my father. He was wearing his usual tight and expensive suit combined with his shiny leather shoes and jewelry.

"Dellaphina! Ma fille!"


I made my way towards him meeting him half were the way on the pit lane. He opened his arms to hug me but instead I flinched and took half a step back.

"Don't slip your act Dellaphina!"

"Sorry father..."

I told him I had to go back to work and I would see him later but he quickly said he wouldn't be here long. He was apparently here for a meeting of sponsoring McLaren and then he would be flying home again. I was relieved to hear that. I went back to the pit wall and Charles looked at me a little bit suspicious.

"You flinched. When your dad tried to hug me."

"No... I didn't..."

"You did I saw it. You crossed yourself and said a silent prayer before going to him."

"I'm a Christian can I say my prayers please?!"

He lifted his hands like he was just asking me harmless questions. Maybe for normal people he was but I don't let people inside anymore. Not after the last boy my father forced me to be with. I refocused myself and after a while we were finally done. I had 2 more hours before Charles would go out on track. I heard two screams behind me and then I spotted the brunette and blonde who I called my best friends but they actually don't know me that well. I've known them for 10 years now but well... they're worrying about theirselves all the time and I kind of liked it... it meant I didn't have to open up to them. We talked for a while and Charles walked past and they started talking and flirting with him. Gross.

"Della how old are you even?"

He suddenly asked me that question and I looked up from my phone to meet his blue eyes. Celine answered that question for me.

"She's 24."

"I'm 25."

Celine and Alicia turned their heads towards me and frowned as they saw my serious expression.

"We missed your birthday?"

"Uhm... yeah."

I smiled softly at their faces. They both looked a little sad at me. They never remember my birthday. I was used to it.

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