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I looked into his eyes while he was waiting for my response. I thought everything through but still wasn't sure of what I should do.

"I... I think I should leave... I need to think about everything that's going on."


He let his thumbs rub my hands softly before letting go of my hands.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the factory..."

"Yea. See you tomorrow."

I gave him the smallest smile I ever gave him and then rolled my suitcases outside. I was waiting for my cab and looked up to where the windows of his apartment are. I saw him leaning against the wall with his head back in frustration as he ran his hands through his hair. Maybe he is serious about all of what he said... I turned my head away as I heard a car stop.

"Madame Dubois?"

"Oui, c'est moi."

I loaded my suitcases before climbing in. I drove off to the airport leaving Charles behind. My god I forgot about Carlos! Maybe that's better... I guess Charles might be right about him. He's not the one for me. He's nice and all... but he can find a better match then me. I'm just... me. Whatever they see in me shouldn't be there. After flying to Maranello and checking in to my studio apartment for the coming weeks I went out into the city a little bit. I bought some groceries and other needed stuff and headed back. I sat down on my couch and was fiddling with my fingers as I was just back to thinking. People would start thinking I'm in formula 1 because of Charles... I earned my place here. On the other hand... he's so caring and sweet... he bought me flowers every week and he really looks out for me. He's the first person I felt safe around and opened up to in forever and... why's everything so difficult! Urgh I hate this stupid shit! I sighed and collected my things. I went outside and got on the bus. I'll just go to the factory and get some work done. I didn't know what else to do I guess. Working hard has been the only thing I've been doing for all my life. I walked through the building into my office and found a pile of paperwork and documents on my desk neatly stacked. Oh how glad I am I came in a day earlier. I sat down and got to work.

It was already the next day. I had blown off Carlos from our... well it was the start of dating we weren't fully there yet. He received it well luckily. Charles... I avoided him a little bit. I was about to head to lunch break when I opened the door to get out of my office I found Charles his fist almost hitting my face. He recovered quickly by placing both his hands on the doorframe above him leaning on it a little.

"Wow what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk with you."

"About what?"

I looked up at his hands. Lord have mercy how can I be attracted to hands? I noticed a piece of foil around his finger. I frowned and grabbed his wrist with my hand. I looked at his hand and saw on the side of his finger a small tiny tattoo. There was a small outline of a leaf. I looked up at him and then back at the symbol.

"You didn't get that leaf because of-"

"Your eyes? Yes I did. I've never seen more perfect eyes."

"You are batshit crazy."

"Oh come on it's cute isn't it."

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