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I walked into the paddock for the 3rd day of testing. Charles in a pain in the ass. I did not look forward to working with him this morning. I entered the paddock and talked to Carlos. He's a nice guy. Easy to talk with and just nice generally. I wore my white jeans with my red with black and white jordans around the paddock and of course wore my Ferrari polo. My hair loose with my sunglasses on my nose. I sat down at the pit wall after a few hours and Charles sat down next to me.

"Hey Della."

He smiled at me and without saying hello back nor saying hello back I started talking about what he needed to know as shirt and fast as possible.

"That's it. You can go now."

"Della come on please don't be mad at me for yesterday evening."

"I'm not mad I'm frustrated."


"For some reason I let you in a tiny bit and well this was the result. Forget about it Charles. This is work and we are never gonna be friends."


"You've to get in the car. We'll be behind on schedule."

He sighed and then stood up. He walked to the car and I rubbed my face. He didn't deserve me being nice to him. He messed it up himself. I placed my headphones on and connected my radio.

"Charles, radio check?"

"Loud and clear Della..."

We didn't really talk much or communicate. Only what was needed for the car and then shirt and simple.

"Box box."


"I said box box."

"And I said no. I want a few more laps."

"We've everything we need. Box box."

"I'm driving the car and I'm going a few more laps. I want to feel the car a little more."

I looked to my side to see Fred look at me. He pressed the button before his voice came over the radio.

"Charles this is Fred. Don't talk against Della. She leads you so you do what she says. For today you get 2 more laps and then you're coming in."


I sighed before looking at the screens again. He got what he wanted 2 more laps. He drove faster then we had asked him to do and that resulted in him crashing into the wall at corner 13. I frustratedly hit the table of the pit wall with my fist with a little bit of force but it was a small bang. I frowned in anger as I looked at the screens. I groaned and pushed the button.

"Everything alright?"


"Is the car okay as well?"

"Front wing isn't the rest is."

I was happy to hear he didn't ruin my car completely but I was frustrated that this wouldn't have happened if he would have opened his fucking ears. I cursed a soft 'connard' under my breath before I pulled out the headphones and immediately left to my office. I slammed the door close behind me and opened my laptop. The data was always immediately on there so I could start working right away. After a while my door flew open and then slammed closed again. Two palms hit my table hard and a pair of furious eyes looked into mine.

"What's your problem! I apologized for yesterday! I wasn't thinking what more do you want to act normal towards me!"

"What's my problem?! What is your problem! You are making assumptions of me while you don't even know me! Might as well live up to your thoughts don't I?! Because you'll never see me for me! That crash was your fault and absolutely unnecessary if you would fucking do what I tell you to do!"

"You're not my boss!"

"I am the one who has to keep you safe in track! Everything you do is linked to me! People will think that crash was my fault while you were just licking your own ass! I worked years to get here! You do not understand how hard it is to get into this position as a woman!"

Our voices were raised and it was close to screaming. He was making me the bad guy... even though he is the bad guy right guy. He doesn't give a single shit about my work.

"Maybe you should work for a new driver then. What about Lando or Oscar. I bet your dad can arrange something since they closed a deal."

"For gods sake Charles! Can you just shut up about my father! I don't want to hear it! I did this in my own! He is not included in this!"

"You used your fathers money to study right? So technically he is included!"

"I used my own money Charles! I've worked the maximum hours since I was fucking 13 years old! I worked a job, I went to school and I did not have any real friends! I hated to be at home because of my stupid father!"

"Be grateful you have a father!"

"You wouldn't be grateful if you had my father! You saw it yourself! You heard what I've done but not what I've been through! You do not know my story so don't fill in the blanks!"

"This is what I mean Della! Your so stuck up! You take everything for granted! Your just an ungrateful little brat! Nobody wants to be around you! You find it weird you don't have friends?!"

I felt tears sting my eyes. How could I even have opened up the tiniest bit to him and now he's treating me like this. I swallowed hard and nodded softly.

"You guys will find my firing papers tomorrow. I'll just go to that stupid arranged marriage my dads trying to push me in for the past years... because that's what you want right. For me to leave and do what my father wants me to do? Because you think I'm his little princess that does anything for him right?"

His angry face turned a little softer. I packed my bag and walked past him out of the office. I wore my sunglasses outside so people couldn't see my teary eyes. I rushed back ti the hotel and I tried my best not to cry. When I was there I closed the door behind me and I broke down. I shouldn't have trusted him just because it felt right. I should have known better then that. It's what my I've known for so long and still I broke that code. God help me please. I need to know what I should do. I'm helpless...

(1106 words)

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