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I felt someone pull me away from my father and was looking at the back of a pair of broad shoulders that belonged to Dante.

"You don't slap nor push a woman against the wall. You said she was alright with being marked off. I won't marry her until I know she's alright with it. I'll take her out a few times... and we'll see where this will go."

"Going out with her is pointless. She's..."


They both looked at me and my father shook his head at my suggestion of word choose before he looked at Dante again.

"A heinous bitch."

Dante his fist balled up and I saw he was about to swing. I grabbed his wrist and he turned his head to me. I shook my head with a neutral expression but I guess he saw the panic in my eyes. If Dante would hit my father I would probably be knocked out tonight. He turned around fully and brushed a few strands behind my ear. I immediately pushed my hair back so my father wouldn't see my piercings again.

"You should wear your hair behind your ear it shows your piercings... they look good on you."

I widened my eyes as I heard my father groan. I started running out of the dinning hall and up to my room as I heard my father's loud scream.


I hadn't been fast enough as I felt his hands tighten around me neck. Slowly black circles started coming around my eyes before the hands disappeared and Dante had saved me again. I breathed heavily and locked myself in my room. I packed all my belongings in my suitcase and 2 bags. Luckily I didn't own that much to be honest. I locked myself in my bathroom and sat against the wall. Where am I supposed to go? I don't feel safe with anyone... I dialed a number and soon the voice of the last person I thought I would call picked up.

"Hello? This is Charles."




"Are you okay? You sound like you're crying?"

"I'm not actually. I uhm... I need a place to stay for a little. I need to get out of here... I know we aren't on good terms but uhm... you're the only person I can think of staying with right now..."

"I'll send you my address."

"Thank you... I'll see you in a few hours then..."

"I'll be waiting..."

We hung up and I swallowed. I went out of the bathroom and grabbed my things. I sighed before unlocking my bedroom door. I walked to the front door with all my stuff and grabbed my Porsche car keys. I threw my stuff in and when I was about to step in my father stood in front of me furiously.

"You messed up Dellaphina. He's my biggest business partner and he blew everything because of how this all went."

"You did that yourself father."

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