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I was back at the hotel before Charles was today. I took a shower and then blow dried my hair. We would go out for our team dinner. I did my hair in a low bun with some strands loose before I did my make up. The hotel door opened and Charles dropped his things. He walked into the bathroom and placed a kiss on my temple.

"Hello Chérie."

"Hai Charlie."

I smiled at him through the mirror as I finished my last layer of mascara. Charles had just pulled off his hoodie as I walked into the bedroom. I opened my suitcase and searched for an outfit. I pulled my crème pantalon out of my suitcase and then took a black silky top with silver thing chains as straps out of the suitcase as well. I took my heels as well before I pulled on my bra and string. I heard Charles whistle at me and I turned my head as he was standing in his black dress pants and his dress shirt still open. I smiled at him as I pulled on my pantalon.

"What a view... could never bore me."

I laughed softly as I shook my head. I tucked my top into my pantalon before placing my heels on. I was standing in front of the floor to ceiling length mirror and looked at myself turning a little to see if it looked good. I thought it was just fine as I walked to the bed table to get my phone off the charger. I gave it to Charles as he did have pockets in his dress pants unlike me. He grabbed my hand and twirled me around softly before pecking my lips softly. We walked to the elevator and met the team outside of the hotel. We walked to the restaurant 10 minutes away from here and then all sat down. Charles always following closely behind me. He was sitting next to me as I felt his hand on my thigh. His thumb softly rubbing over the fabric of my pantalon.

"You're lucky we have a different room then the actual restaurant."

"I know and I'm gonna enjoy all I can about that."

He kissed my temple as I giggled softly over his response. I felt a pair of eyes staring into me and when I looked at the person sitting in front of Charles I met Carlos his eyes. He looked a little sad. I could understand it though... he thought that we could be a thing but well... I kind of dropped him. Charles eventually was right... Charles is a better for me then Carlos. Not because Carlos cared for me in the wrong way or anything but Charles and I like the same things and we understand each other better... I feel comfortable and safe when he's around and I missed that around Carlos. I gave him a gentle smile before I turned my head away from him. Charles had noticed that Carlos had been watching me as well and he whispered some words into my ear.

"Someone's jealous that I got the prettiest girl."

I turned my head to smile at him softly. I shook my head disapprovingly at him and he just laughed a little showing his perfect smile while his beautiful laugh rolled over his lips. The first course of the night came and everybody was eating. Chatting, eating and laughing... I would have never thought I would be doing that last year... but I also thought I would never get married this quick after meeting. I guess when you meet the right person it all just... happens. Like people say... everything happens for a reason and I'm happy there was a reason for me to marry Charles at the moment it self I wasn't but now I am. Dinner was over and parts of the team staid for a little longer and a part of the team walked back to the hotel. I walked next to Mia as we talked together. I saw a group of drunk guys coming my way and looked around to see where Charles was. He was more in the middle of the group talking to some people. He spotted me before I turned my head back. A few seconds after I felt a hand on my lower back before hid mouth was close to my ear.

"Don't worry ma Cherie. I'm here."

I smiled at him as he removed his hand from my back and stood up straight again while walking next to me. The drunk guys walking straight towards Mia and I but then noticing Charles his angry expression and going around our group of people. After a few more minutes we got back at the hotel and while some of the people took the elevator others took the stairs just like Charles and I did. We walked into our hotel room and Charles closed the door behind us. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly as he picked me up from the ground. I giggled softly as I felt my feet dangling above the ground. His nose snuggled up in the crouch of my neck as my arms were wrapped around his neck hugging him back.

"I love you so much mon amour."

"I love you more."

"Not possible."

I softly giggled as I kissed her cheek. He gently placed me down again and my heels met the ground again. We both changed into something more comfortable and then climbed into bed watched our series that we had started some days ago. We were snuggled up together as Charles his finger tips made soft and gentle circles on my back underneath my shirt. My favorite... I felt my eyes grow heavy by the second and then felt a soft kiss being placed on my hair.

"Go to sleep Del... don't fight it."

How can a person know me this good within such a short amount of time? Is that even possible? My eyes closed and I was now asleep in the arms of my husband....

(1018 words)

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