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The past nights I've been visiting the beach daily. I loved the feeling of the cool water on my skin. I didn't collect shells anymore though. I started seeing this amazing guy. He has brown eyes and brown hair and is a little taller then me... Carlos really is a sweet and caring guy. At first we were just good friends but well... he said he liked me and I said we'll see where this may lead us to. Maybe it is something and maybe not. Tonight we went out for dinner together. He staid in Monaco as well for a few days before we would fly to Maranello with Charles. Carlos asked me to come live in Madrid because he had a spare room and it would be a great opportunity to get to know each other better.


"Is it too fast? I'm sorry I don't want to rush you but I don't want to wait too long because I don't have the patience for it... not when it comes to you. You're just too amazing to stay away from."

"No it's uhm it's alright. I'll think about it okay?"

"That's okay. Take your time Della."

I gave him a soft nod before we continued our dinner. It was a little more awkward this time then normally but it was still nice. After he dropped me off at the apartment I saw Charles looking at me as he stepped into the house coming from the balcony.

"Was that Carlos kissing your cheek?"


"I'm not blind Della."

"Okay so what? We're going out..."

"You deserve better then him."

"Better? He's a good guy Charles... how am I supposed to find better?"

"I'm standing right in front of you. Since the time you needed a place to stay. I was there for you. But you didn't notice the way I look at you with every chance I have. You don't notice how I try to kind of flirt with you without making you conscious about it too much because I know it would scare you and it would also scare me."

"I'm dating now Charles. We can't be together."

"Della I don't care if you have him in your heart. All I care about is that you wake up in my arms."

"Maybe it's better if I do move in with Carlos..."

My voice was a soft whisper as I looked from his eyes to my hands. I was softly pulling my skin on my hands because I didn't know what I was supposed to do.

"Move in? with Carlos?"


"No no no no. You can't leave me alone here."

"I can because you were alone before me and I've only been here like what? 3 weeks?"

"If I tell you I love you, will you stay?"

"You're scared to love me Charles and hearing those words leave your mouth will not make me stay, because I know they aren't true..."

"Della... please stay."

I shook my head softly as I swallowed I walked to my room and closed the door behind me. I looked in the mirror and saw myself standing in an emerald green summer dress. I sighed before I changed myself. It's way too soon for me to move in with someone I barely know but I need to get out of this apartment where Charles just told me he liked me. What am I supposed to do. I have no where to go... I don't have enough money to pay for a hotel until I find a house because hotels are hella expensive... where should I even buy a house? Where am I supposed to live? I have no one. Celine and Alicia maybe but they still live with their parents and I'm not gonna intrude there. I sighed as I climbed on my bed. I had changed myself from the dress to something comfortable. I opened my laptop and started looking at houses. I just needed something cheap that would be close to an airport for traveling. I found a small studio apartment in Maranello. It's a mix between a home and a hotel. It's not that expensive and you've everything just like a studio apartment. The bed, kitchen and living room in 1 room and the bathroom in another. Not more I need for now I guess. I booked it immediately for tomorrow. I needed to get away from Charles and Carlos both. I turned in my bed and fell asleep. Tomorrow I would leave. Start my own life with my dream job.

Waking up was easier then I expected. I had had a good rest and slept like a baby. I packed my 2 suitcases of my belongings and I rolled them to the hallway. Charles frowned at me from the couch in the living room.

"You're done early packing... we're only flying out tomorrow morning."

"I'm leaving earlier."


"I saw a studio apartment in Maranello... I rented it. So you'll have your house to yourself again."

"What? Are you sure that's even save?"

"It is. The neighborhood is quite good."

"What about me? You're just gonna leave me like that? I told you I liked you and you don't even give me a real response!"

"What do you want to hear from me Charles?! Because the thing you want to hear from me isn't coming out of my mouth!"



The screaming ended with that sentence coming out of my mouth... oh my god. I like Charles. It's the first time I realized it but how could I not like him. He's handsome, thoughtful and a great company. My breathing pattern was heavy as we looked at each other. The sad and questioning look on his face turned into a stern face.

"Who said you're not good enough for me?"

"I did."

"I think I am the one deciding if you're good enough for me... and I think. No I know you are good enough for me Della."

"You've done enough for me Charles... I should learn to become more independent..."

"You are independent."

"I don't know Charles. I just don't know how to deal with all of this shit."

I swallowed hard as he was now standing in front of me. I shook my head softly as he grabbed both of my hands. He held one of them and the other he placed on his heart. His hand on top of my hand as I felt his heart beating like crazy. I didn't know a heart could beat like that.

"That's what your presence does to me Della. Please... give me a chance. If you want to stay here with me stay. I'll pay all of it I don't need financial support form you. Hell I would even buy you your own apartment in this building to have you close to me."

I swallowed hard as I looked into his blue eyes that looked so tenderly at me with so much love and admiration... what am I supposed to do?

(1189 words)

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