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I got a call from an unknown number this morning when Charles was training. It was my father. He apparently had sold me and send the address of the man who would come pick me up. He knew I was at Charles his apartment somehow. There was no way of stopping this men... only if I was married but I don't want that just yet. Charles came back and had just showered. He looked concerned at me as I probably looked a little sad and helpless.

"What's wrong Chérie?"

"Uhm... my dad..."

"Your dad what?"

"He sold me Charles. He sold me to some man. He will pick me up Monday after the race and I'll have to marry him or something. My dad knows I'm here with you and he said that I can't escape it because it will have dangerous consequences. I don't know what to do."

"What? He just sold you off like that... that's horrible Del... there must be a way out right?"

"There's one but I don't want that..."

"What is it?"


"Then we'll get married today if that's needed. He can't take you tomorrow if we marries today."

"No I don't want that Charles. I want to marry when the time is right. This will be more forced."

"But then that means you'll have to leave... that we would be over..."

I felt a tear stream over my cheek. What am I supposed to do? I don't want to be married off like that but I don't want to marry Charles yet. It's not right to do that. I only met his family twice now. It's too soon.

"I don't know what I should do anymore Charles."

"Marry me please. I don't want to let you go."

"It's too early to marry Charles."

We got into a huge argument about it all. His phone started ringing and he had to pick up. I walked to my room and sat on my bed. In 3 hours the race would start. I sighed and got ready. After my shower I pulled on my white jeans with a Ferrari polo. My white with red Nike dunks for shoes. I had my hair down with the perfect blow out like always. I grabbed my backpack and walked to the hallway. I grabbed my paddock passes and Charles frowned at me.

"So you're leaving like nothing happened? You're just gonna walk away from your problems?!"

"It's the only way I know how to deal with this Charles!"

I had raised my voice at him. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I shook my head softly as I opened the door and threw it close behind me. Charles opened it after me quickly.


"Just stop it charles!"

I turned around the corner and was out of sight of Charles as I skipped down the stairs of the apartment building. After a 10 minute walk I arrived at the circuit entrance. I entered my office and closed the door behind me. I climbed behind my laptop and went to work. Charles had been informed of everything yesterday already so that was a good thing for me right now. After a while of working Fred called for me and I went to the pit wall. Monaco was an important race for Charles. I had worked way too much hours to get the best out of it so he could end on the podium this weekend.



We both used only one word without any emotion in it. I swallowed softly as formation lap was done and the race started. Everything went good. There were 10 laps left and he was in P3 fighting for P2. He crashed into the barrier in the hairpin and I slammed my fist on the desk.

"Everything okay?"


His response was harsh and it made me angry. Did he even appreciate all these extra hours I had to use to give him this performance to only make a reckless mistake and throw it all away. My jaw tightened and I got the sign that he could climb out of the car.

"You can climb out."


I was furious. I threw my headphones off my head and almost slammed them onto the pit wall. I looked over the pitlane to find it empty as I stormed inside the garage straight to my office. I was about to strangle someone. I sat down in my office chair with my hands in my hair. What am I supposed to do now? I heard my door open and I didn't bother looking up.

"I want to be alone please."

"I understand that kiddo but you're angry at yourself for no reason..."

"I'm angry at Charles not at myself."

I heard Fred sit down in front of my desk. I turned my chair and looked at him.

"I know you guys are a couple Della. Charles already told me that. Do you want to share why you're angry at him? I like you guys as a person and as a couple. It would be a bummer if I had to give you a new position already."

I sighed and talked with Fred about my troubles with Charles. From my father selling me to Charles asking why I wouldn't marry him to my frustration of the stupid mistake. He has been my biggest supporter this year and I loved Fred for that. He was always there to help me.

"Well kiddo... I think you should marry him..."


"Do you love him?"

"Yes but-"

"Would you marry him if this were to happen 3 years later?"


"Then why not now?"

"I don't know... it feels rushed."

"I think it's God giving you a sign."

I looked at Fred with a soft smile... maybe he's right... no he is right.

"Thanks Fred."

"Oh I have to say. Stay a little mad at him for his track mistake."

I smiled at him before he left my office.

"Oh by the way... he locked himself in the trailer... he won't let anyone in."

"I'll stop by..."

(1037 words)

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