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Walking out of my office I sighed. I arrived at Charles his trailer and knocked on the door.

"Go away!"

"Charles? It's me... can I come in?"

I heard some loud sounds coming from inside the trailer before the door opened and he peaked his head outside to see me standing there.

"Del? I could never send you away..."

He opened the door further before giving me his hand and helping me in. That stupid tiny step was always my biggest enemy for some reason. He closed the door behind him and toyed with his hands. He looked down at his fingers too.

"Charles? ... talk to me."

"I just... I feel rejected..."

"Because I didn't want to marry you?"

"Yea... you were so calm telling me no that I started thinking you wanted this... to escape me."

I placed my hands on his cheek making him look at me.

"I never wanted that Charles... I just didn't want you to marry me because we didn't have another option... I want us to marry because we want to."

"But I want to... the moment you came to stay with me. I want you here forever Del..."

"I know. I just... panicked I guess."


"I'll marry you Charles."



He pecked my lips as he was smiling so hard I was almost scared for how bad his cheeks would hurt. He hugged me tightly as we just stood there.

"I'll make sure we'll have a spot tonight at the local authority! I'll sort everything out ma belle. I'll make sure you can stay with me."

His forehead touched mine as we just smiled like crazy at each other.

"Thanks... I love you."

"I love you too."

It was the first time saying it to each other but the time felt right. Things are going fast right now. I can't keep up but I can actually.

"Del hurry up!"

"I'm coming! Calm down!"

I walked out of my room and found Charles waiting in the living room. He was wearing his black Armani suit with a white dress shirt and leather dress shoes. He looked at my outfit with his mouth hanging open.

"It's the only white dress I have so deal with it. I don't have white heels so these will do."


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"You look beautiful ma Chérie

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"You look beautiful ma Chérie."

I looked at Charles his smile as he walked towards me. I had my hair in a bun as a few strands fell out. We met Charles his family at the local authority and it all went so quick. Charles had arranged rings and everything. They were both a basic golden band with a single small diamond. They looked so simple yet so good. I loved it to be honest. It would always be nice with anything you would wear. He had slipped the ring on my ring finger as I did the same with his ring. We kissed each other and Arthur, Lorenzo and Pascale were so happy for us. I was finally part of a real family... a real loving family. We went to a bar where we had a drink. Pascale had taken a few cute pictures of us to remember our day. I felt really happy about marrying Charles even though it's May and we only met in January properly. It's so rushed but it feels so right. Charles promised me we would keep it a secret for a little longer until I felt ready. Everything was already rushed so he didn't want to rush it any further. He didn't want to hide the rings and all and if it would come out earlier we both agreed on just sharing it. We decided that I would also permanently move back in with him. We picked up my drivers license and passport with Leclerc as surname now and wow how weird and real it felt... it was unbelievable. Normally making new ones takes a week but Charles has his connections. I gave him a big hug again as it was just the two of us standing in the underground parking lot.

"Thanks for everything baby."

"I would do anything for you."

We went home and for the first time in my whole life... I did the deed. I always promised myself that I would safe it till I was married to someone that I trusted and now I am.

(732 words)

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