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That Dante guy just left when I heard a small bang. I frowned and walked to the front door. I peaked my head around the corner and saw Della was panicking. She was staring in front of her but her glassy eyes told me enough. She wasn't mentally here. She started shaking heavily as tears streamed down her face and her breath was heavy. I rushed towards her and sat down in front of her. I laid my hands on her cheeks. I rubbed my thumb up and down and started talking to her in French like always. Her breath started to slow down a little and then she gently grabbed my pulses and softly put a little pressure on them letting me know she was hearing me. I kept talking to her and telling her nonsense till she was laughing a little bit again. I pushed a strand of her red hair behind her ear before holding her hands in mine and looking at her a little bit concerned.

"What was that? What happened?"

"I had a panic attack... today wasn't an easy day for me so I tend to have them more often."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

She gently shook her head no as I saw tears welling up again.

"Hey it's okay. You don't have to tell me anything... just know I'll listen to you if you want me too."

She nodded softly before I stood up. I pulled her up by her hands as we walked back to our rooms. I squeezed her arm softly before we parted ways. It was late so I just went to bed. I woke up when the door of my bedroom opened I looked up and saw Della. Her eyes were watery again and I softly tapped the side next to me on my bed. She sat down at the end of the bed on the other side as she swallowed.

"Are you okay?"

"He tried to choke me..."

"Who? Your father?"

"Yea... he had hit me and pushed me to the wall for 2nd time that day... Dante had pulled him off me after my father announced I would have to marry him. Dante took it my side and tried to protect me. My father found out I went against him and he was furious... he ran after me as I tried to escape to my room. He was faster and wrapped his hands around my throat. His hands are still on my throat but now in a blue color... Dante once again helped me get away from him. I ran to my room packed my things and then thought about the fact that I didn't have anywhere to go... I dialed your number without realizing to be honest. It felt natural to call you in that moment..."

I sighed as I climbed out of bed I walked towards her and she was standing now too. I pulled her in a hug. Her head laying against my chest. Her fingers playing with the fabric of my shirt.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do Charles... I said I would never return to him but I don't have anywhere to go and buying a house myself now is scaring the shit out of me..."

"I need a roommate anyway... it gets boring around here all alone..."

A soft giggle rolled over her lips as I held her close to me.



"You're safe here... you're safe with me. "

"I know... thank you."

"You can tell me anything okay? If you even want to I can tell you about my sad moments too... just ask me and I'll do it... I want you to feel comfortable."

"My mom died... when she gave birth to me. My father blames me for losing the love of his life... he always has. I was always his anger point. He's only nice to me in public... and even then... he's not that nice."

"My dad died..."

She looked up at me with sad eyes.

"Really? How?"

"Cancer... he was a great dad. He loved us with everything he had."

"That's horrible..."

I nodded and then sighed before dropping my head on her shoulder.

"Promise me to never lock me out again Della..."

"Only if you promise me not to tell anyone else or push me away."

"I won't..."


We staid hugging each other tightly for a few more moments just holding our sadness together. She has more sadness then I have but still we held it together. After a few minutes she smiled and softly said good night before she left me standing in my own room. The door closed and I could only smile softly. One phone call and out whole relationship changed once again. It was all weird... we went from strangers to enemies to friends to enemies and to friends again. Well enemies is a big word we just didn't really like each other. I laid back down in bed and pulled my duvet over my body. I sighed contently as I thought about how right it felt hugging her. Her body almost felt made for mine and it gave me a weird sensation in my stomach... wait not those are butterflies. I don't think I could ever see Della as a 'stuck up brat' ever again... she's actually quite the opposite. She's a really strong woman. I think that's what I adore about her. Years of abused and still standing and going against her father. It's actually a miracle... how can she still stand on her own feet and do what she wants. She's really strong... like really really strong. I feel bad for ever accusing her to be anything other then that. I went to sleep and the next morning I picked up breakfast and a bouquet of flowers for her. When she woke up and came to the kitchen she wore a hoodie with a pair of shorts. Her red hair in a simple ponytail.

"Oooh who's your mistress who send you flowers?"

She sniffed the scent of the flowers and looked at them carefully. Her eyes told me enough... she loves flowers.

"They are for you. I got them this morning because I think you deserve them."

"That's so sweet of you. Thank you... I appreciate it Charles."

I smiled at her as I pushed a plaid of food to her. She looked up at me and smiled as she grabbed it and sat down at the dinning table. We both sat down and ate while having some comfortable small talk conversation. Maybe she'll start liking me back slowly now? I'll get my shot now because I was there for her right?

(1122 words)

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