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I woke up the next morning late. I rubbed my eyes and decided on an easy day. I did some self care that morning and showered before dressing myself for a brunch with myself. I had seen this cute cafe on the way to track a few times and I was dying to go there. I can proudly tell you that the cafe was as good as it looked. It was all pastel colored with little flowers and stuff and I thought it was cute. I was back at the hotel after brunch once again and a knock on my door pulled me out of my thoughts of thinking which bikini to wear to the pool. I opened the door and was about to throw the door closed immediately when I saw Charles. He placed his foot between the door preventing it from closing. He let himself in and looked at me. I walked back into my room not looking at him or saying a word to him.

"I wanted to apologize... again. I'm just frustrated with the fact I can't seem to do it right I reacted that onto you... 2 times."

I staid silent as I was going through my suitcase. He stood still in the middle of my room.

"Della please... please don't leave Ferrari. I think you're doing a great job with engineering."

"You know the first time we met that I told you I wasn't a fan of your aggressive mistakes?"

"Yes... I get what you mean now..."


"Della... I don't need to be your friend if that's not okay with you... but can we at least drop this grumpy attitude."

"No. It's how I feel towards you."

"Will you then stay?"

"Yes. I'm not giving up some dream because of a man who isn't okay with it."

I saw him nodding in the corner of my eyes before he moved out of my room. He closed the door behind him and I sighed again. When did my life get so complicated wherever I went? I wanted this job to escape home but now I want to escape my job as well because of some stupid monegasque. I groaned and then flopped onto my bed. What am I supposed to do? I thought I had made a friend but the opposite he's actually the person I hate most at work currently. Why can't I just be Carlos his engineer or something... that would be a big problem solver. I sighed and just decided it was time to start my day. I would fly to France this afternoon so I guess I didn't have too much time left.

Yesterday night I arrived back home in France. I took a taxi to my house and went to bed. I locked my door behind me not trusting my father with it opened. This morning I wore my sweatpants and a hoodie downstairs and I immediately felt my father his disapproving eyes on me.

"Good morning father."

He didn't react to me he just gave me a glance. The glance was more of a warning though.

"I'll go change in a few minutes. I just wanted to eat my breakfast before getting ready."

"Make it quick. We'll have a guest over for lunch. No time to lay around."

"I'll make sure I'll be ready."

I pushed my hair behind my ear as I made myself some yoghurt with fruit.

"Get those things out of your ear as well. They're disguising you know that I want you to grow them close again. You look like a criminal."

I hated the fact he thought he was the boss about my body. I didn't respond to him as he was talking about what I should wear. I ignored him to his annoyance and that's when he grabbed the color of my hoodie and threw me against the wall. He looked furious.

"Listen when I speak you filthy girl! Your lucky I won't do anything because we've visitors coming! Go and dress up now!"

I swallowed and decided to not fight it. I showered and then did my perfect blowout hair. I loved it on me. I pulled on a black turtle neck and then my crème pantalon. I decided to wear my all stars with it and left my piercings in despite my fathers disgust about them. I looked good even if I said so myself. The doorbell rang and my father yelled my name to come down. I skipped down the stairs as I saw a man with her black hair faced his back to me. He had broad shoulders and a tight suit. My father smiled way too sweetly at me and then lifted his hand.

"Dante this is my daughter Dellaphina."

The guy turned around and a pair of ice blue eyes looked into mine. He looked like a fucking mafia boss. I could see the tattoos on his hand and some on his chest because his dress shirt was just a button or 2 too far open. I smiled at him as he looked at me with a hard expression.

"Hi... it's nice to meet you."

He waited before responding. His eyes traveling my body from my eyes to my curves and shoes.


His voice was low and velvety. Normally I would find it attractive but well he looks like he's an absolute asshole. My father steered him to the dinning hall and eyed me. He was not okay with what I was wearing. He then nodded to the kitchen indicating for me to get drinks. I got drinks and placed them on the table.

"Dellaphina... sit down."

"Of course."

I sat down like my father told me. He looked at Dante who was looking at me with a hard look in his eyes.

"Dellaphina... your going to marry Dante. He'll take over the business when I retire next to his own business and you'll become a house wife."

"Excuse me?"

"Your excused daughter."

"Sorry father but I'm not marrying someone I don't know. That's not how that is supposed to go."

"It's how this is supposed to go. It's an arranged marriage. Your marrying him and you don't have a saying in this."

"So first you force any guy you find acceptable on me and now you're forcing me into an unwanted marriage?"


"You're heartless. I despise you. Don't you care for your own daughter her happiness?!"

"Why would I if my own daughter killed the woman I loved most!"

"Because your daughter couldn't do anything about it!"

I had raised my voice at him as we stared into each others eyes.

"Forcing me to date guys I don't like not want is one thing but forcing me to marry someone I don't know is far over the line farther."

"You don't get a say in this!"

He slapped his hand across my face. And I heard his chair screech over the marble floor before he had me thrown against a wall again.

(1172 words)

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