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We've arrived at the Sakhir circuit. The PR managers their plane had some delay which meant they would only arrive tonight. That sucks because it is media day. Fred asked me to go with Charles to media duties. So I did. I carried some of his stuff as we had argued earlier about it.

"I'm not gonna let you carry my stuff ma belle!"

"Does Mia carey your stuff?"


"Then I'm doing it too."

"But you are not Mia! You are Della!"

"I know that but it will catch people their eye."

He had been arguing with me for at least 15 minutes before he gave in and called me stubborn. I had slapped the back of his head before pushing him out of his drivers trailer. We went to the interviews and I recorded them for Mia. One question in particular caught my attention. It was a question from Lissie. So it wasn't a real f1 related question but more questions fans wanted to be asked. I thought it's a good change for the drivers. To keep it diverse.

"What could you stare at forever?"


I had been looking at the camera equipment but his answer made my head turn. His eyes already on me. I smiled softly at him knowing damn well he didn't mean actual leafs but my eyes... he said they reminded him of leafs. He smiled softly as he looked back at Lissie.

"Leafs? Why so?"

"I find them... interesting. They're all different colors and shapes. They grow on trees and then I. The autumn they color brown and fall off."

"Is that why you have a leaf tattoo on the side of your finger?"

"One of the reasons yes."

"There are more reasons?"

"One more bit that one is a secret. Only I can know... and my family of course."

I had to contain my smile a little as I thought about his words. When media was over after 3,5 hours we walked back together.

"Media isn't so bad if you're going with me."

"Don't get used to it Leclerc."

"You don't feel a switch coming from Engineer to Media?"

"Definitely not. I was bored to the bone."

"Not even enjoying your view?"

"What view?"

I said my question with a soft smirk coming onto my face. He laughed softly and disapprovingly shook his head a few times before we entered his drivers room. He closed the door behind him and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him back.

"You smell nice ma belle."


"Like strawberries."

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