Chapter 17

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Izuku's POV

I went to see Katsuki in a café working, he had a smile on his face and I was glad that he was getting through this. I walked in and everyone looked at me with lustful eyes even at my young age. Katsuki came with his hand on his bump, smiling as he came over to me.

"You're back." Katsuki said and hugged me

"I went to talk to Shoto, he is the biggest asshole ever and Kaminari is just there tolerating him." I said making Katsuki look at me.

"I heard from Mina, Kaminari talked about how gentle Shoto is with him even through there intimate time and I felt sick because he was rough with me and when I say this, I was sore he left me in the morning to clean myself and I couldn't even walk to the bathroom. Now he is with Kaminari he knows how to do aftercare ad all that, I can't stand to be with him or even look at him because he makes me sick." Katsuki said

"I know and you're strong for this Katsuki and I want you to know that you have me, depend on me." I said holding and caressing his cheek and he nod and smiled.

I let go of him, I didn't want to scare him.

"I need to get back to work." Katsuki said and I nod

I left the café and went to visit my mom, who was glad I came back. I was engulfed into a hug by my dad.

"I heard Shoto is expecting a child." My mother said

"Please he is nothing, but a deadbeat father, he said he doesn't want to anything to do with the child and won't fight for visitation in court because he found his true love and don't want anything to do with the baby. I told him a piece of my mind, his new lover said he won't be getting into that, so I slapped him because he is a demon not a demon, the devil himself. I don't want them in my life nor Katsuki's he is doing good alone, managing himself and the baby." I said

"I know Shoto was a bad kid and I told you not to hand around with him. He is ungrateful , I remembered his father and mother working hard to be where there are now. He feels like he has a god complex, he will learn this world is round and I hope the person, who he hurt this badly doesn't forgive because he will learn. I know what Rei will do, but when time comes and plays itself his heart will drop to his ass." My dad said

"I know and the person he hurt is the person that I love so dearly, Shoto and I stopped being friends because of this." I said

"You know we will accept anyone you want to marry, but this person is different Izuku because when you love and accept him you accept everything about him too even that child and his pain. The best advice I can give you now is to let him heal, he will say the same that he wants to heal to be a better person for his child and a better person for you. Don't rush him into anything because he will run due to the fact Shoto hurt him, it will take time." My dad continued

"I know I will accept him and his child. I will be there for him and the child, since they both will need someone to lean on." I said

My parents smiled at me and I knew they had my back in this I downloaded the file of the recording today, placing it on the USB for future purposes, if Shoto wants to play checkers, I will be playing chess.

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