Chapter 30

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Izuku and I were finished with our sex session, so we order pizza and some drinks afterwards. We heard crying and sniffling. Izuku dashed off the bed going into Kiayo's room and I was in bed worrying, shifting my foot to the side.

It took minutes for Izuku to come back in the room scratching the back of his head.

"What's wrong with our baby?" I asked

"You need to go see him, he was crying because he heard you screaming. I told him that you were okay, but he said he wanted to see you." Izuku said laughing a bit

I got up and went to Kiayo's room as he looked at me and began to cry again. I rushed over to him.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked rubbing his back

"M-mommy, I-I heard you s-screaming and I t-thought something bad happened to y-you. Are you okay?" He cried as I rubbed his back

"Baby, I am okay and doing fine. Daddy was just helping me with something. I am sorry I frightened you." I said kissing his forehead

After many forehead kisses and reassurance. Kiayo looked at me.

"Okay mommy, I heard daddy ordering pizza and drinks can I have some?" He asked and I just had to laugh nodding my head

That night we all ate pizza and drink sodas, Kiayo ended up sleeping with us. Izuku had to laugh, he even slapped my inner thigh saying I needed to be more quiet.

I just cackled at him and kissed the both of them good night. If Kiayo wanted to meet him when he is older then so be it but right now, Izuku is Kiayo's father.

I woke up to a text from what looks like Shoto had sent saying he needs to speak with me to what I reply with 'We did that already.' I left it as that, I didn't want anything to do with him.

I went downstairs and was met with Izuku and Kiayo around the table eating. I rubbed my big baby bump and sat around the table.

"How are you feeling?" He asked

"I feel as if I am carrying two watermelon taped to my stomach." I answered picking up my chopsticks

"It's going to be over soon." He said

"Oh and we need to talk when we are alone." I mentioned.

He nod his head, the driver took Kiayo to school and the maids dealt with the dishes and cleaning up.

"So what is it that you want to talk about?" Izuku asked

"Shoto texted me this morning asking if we could talk again and I told him no." I said

"What does he want?" He asked

"He wants to meet Kiayo and be in his life." I answered

"I know I said that I am going to be hurt if we did this but I think it is right for him to bond with our Kiayo ." Izuku said

"No, we aren't going to do that Izuku. I don't want to be put back into that shit hole where I took my time to get out of.  You don't understand what I went through with Shoto, Izuku. The relationship we had went great at first but the minute I went to college for him and to meet him, he walked passed me as if I was crazy like he didn't know me and I was utterly embarrassed, why he did that? Because Kaminari was behind me.

When I had sex with him, it hurt so bad that I was in bed with marks on my skin and it didn't stop there. The more we had sex the more pain I felt, the cum he left inside of me that flowed out with mixtures of blood and when I asked h-him to take me to the b-bath, my hand held the hem of his shirt b-begging him to take me to the showers and he left me for who? Kaminari.

I hated how weak I was when it came to him. I hate myself every time I looked in the m-mirror because I was gaining weight from the birth control. I went in a depressive state that all I could do was let the tears run from my eyes silently, there wasn't any moaning, no telling him to stop just silence. He told me when we talked that day that he felt like he was having sex with a corpse.

Then his father died, the day I finally got the courage to end things between us and he came to me crying and I asked why didn't he go to Kaminari and he looked at me and said that we are boyfriends and I am his boyfriend and to promise that I will do anything for him and I was the massive idiot who complied. It came crashing down when I found out I was pregnant and I wanted nothing to do with him and you were there when I asked for an abortion.

I gave birth to our baby without his help, did everything on my own without him, gave up my dreams to take care of my baby, saw my mother in her dying state knowing I failed her by not becoming something and who is to blame Izuku? M-me, I let love get the best of me giving up everything good for love. I was the poor but here I was buying him small gifts and I didn't get one shit from him. When he left me in my bed naked, cold and alone he was on the bleachers talking to Kaminari about the progress of their relationship.

I was his substitute when Kaminari didn't want him and he used me until he got tired of me. When I told him I was pregnant with his son, he told me that he won't be accepting Kiayo as his son  because the only child he will accept is the one he and Kaminari have. He said that he won't fight me in court for visitation rights but now he is doing it now and why is he doing it now Izuku? Because Kaminari is crying his words not mine.

He said that because I gave him the heir Kaminari hates himself for not giving him the heir. The two of them have children that they should be contented with. Kiayo is his karma and it is all up to  Kiayo to choose what he wants and as his parents Izuku, we should stand by him because you are Kiayo's father. Shoto denied his son to Kaminari because of love, so I will deny that he is the bio father of Shoto because of love too."  I said stuttering in between my words

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to push you." He said, I kissed his lips

"Put the feeling I have for you first don't let your insecurities get in the way, I love you and Kiayo love you as his father. He will choose who he wants in the end." I said kissing his lips once more.

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