Chapter 32

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"You are really hurting us Katsuki, I know I've done you wrong. I made love got the best of me and I expressed my deepest apologies to you, but please just let us meet him. Let us co-parent, let us do something please." Shoto begged, I have finally calmed done from the stress.

I cooled down before opening my mouth to say something.

"Shoto, I do understand where you are coming from...I do, but when you did those stuff to me bak them you didn't listen to a word I say. You don't know what it is like to have people come up to you and tell you hey your boyfriend just banged me in his dorm yesterday or a while ago. I had to go through the humilation of being your boyfriend and while I do wish to cooperate with you to make Kiayo know his real father, I know your intentions for him. I know deep down in your heart you know what I am saying is true, but I promise you when Kiayo is older when he an fully uderstand why I kept him from you. 

When both of us as his parent can tell him the truth, when I know and could feel that I can trust Kami with my baby and won't be a bitchass stepmother then...then we are on the same pace. I need to talk to my husband first about this whole situation first, get his thinking on the whole thing. Get HIS opinion because by right he is Kiayo's father." I said as the two of them nod

"And I also want to say that I am sorry for everything, for broken friendship, for broken relationship, for every wrong deed I have committed against you Katsuki. I know that I won't lie to Kiayo, I will also tell him how bad of a person I were to you as his mom and for certainly I won't ever, ever support him on changing his last name to mine, my best friend deserves that even though I am the last person he will ever consider best friend to me I learned a lot.

 I wanted to reach out so bad to you both and tell you how sorry I am for everything, but I was scared a part of me didn't because you were happy and if I suddenly popped up into your life, I would have ruined the chances of you two ever getting together. A part of me did love you Katuski and that part of me forever will. I know it is late and we've all moved on but I think you should know that." He said and I nod and for the first time us laying it out on each other, us talking about made me feel free.

I leaned into Izuku as he rubbed my bump.

"I am sorry too Katsuki, I should have opened my mouth and say something instead of agreeing but I have finally gotten Shoto and I didn't want to ruin the advantages of us being a happy couple, but I know now that it was totally wrong for me to do so, because if I was in the same situation. I would have want his support too, pushing out a baby is no joke especailly all by yourself. Having to drive yourself at the hospital because no one was there to help you. I am so sorry Katsuki for everything." Kami said

I just nod my head lost of words. The conversation ended right there and then. I went home and snuggled up to my baby. I know what I need was him, he was and is my everything from the time his tiny hands held onto mines, without him I would have been six feet under.

Time Skip In The Next Chapter

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