You can't be two faced.

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A/N: Basically in this story Dream, Karl and Tina are all siblings. Tina is youngest, Karl is the middle, and Dream the oldest in a Highschool AU.Tina is about 16, Karl, 16, Dream 18! Karl and Tina are twins!

Maybe this will help!


(Dream POV)

I woke up at about 7 am another monday. I sighed and got up from bed. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. School didn't start till 8:30 but I needed to wake up my siblings. I then went into their room. I first woke up Karl because for some reason he is a great morning person.

He got up and went into his and Tinas bathroom, which I knew she would hate. I shook Tina a couple times but she didn't wake up. "Come on Tina we are going to be late, you take forever in the bathroom you know that!" She opened her eyes and finally sat up. I left so they could get ready. I say their room because they have to share a room.

We don't overall have that much money because our mom died when I was 7 and when they were 4. So we lived with our dad who had 3 jobs just to keep up with us. We weren't that poor. We had money to get our supplies, and makeup tina wanted, phones, etc. I get my own room because I am the oldest.

I then heard yelling and knocked on the door. I still heard yelling so I just opened it. "Karl! Let me use the bathroom come on! You have been in there forever and at this rate I won't have time to do my makeup!" Tina said. "No! You always get the bathroom I am almost done anyways!" Good it was nothing serious. I looked at the time it was 7:20. "Karl come on we need to go to school just let her use the bathroom you have been in there for way longer than usual." I said calmly. "But-" he started. "No buts Karl lets go." He finally opened the door and Tina rushed in closing the door. "Dream you always favor her." He said with a sad tone. "Come on your 16 Karl by now you should learn how to share. And besides you were being stubborn you known you only need to brush your teeth and wash your face in there." I said rubbing his back.

Tina finally came out with her clothes' and makeup on. "Finally now lets go" I said.

We went downstairs put on our shoes and finally got in the car at 8 am. Our dad works a lot so get doesn't get home until after school, and after that he takes a nap to go to his other job. He is there sometimes but never really. I am the one who has to take Tina to cheer afterschool and Karl to soccer. I noticed he wasn't really there when I was about 10, so I made it to my self to protect them myself. 15 minutes later we finally made it to school. we got out, "Alright guys see you later be safe!" I said giving them both a hug goodbye.

(Tina POV)

Another day in school. Which I don't really like. You see this guy named Sapnap has been messing with me for some odd reason in between classes. I never told my brothers because I know that Karl has a huge crush on him and if I tell him about this little thing he will ruin his relationship with him, and I don't want to be the cause of that.

Me and Karl have no classes together which I never understood, I mean we're twins, un luckily I have all my classes with Sapnap. First I had gym my least favorite subject and of course we were playing dodgeball. I changed into the stupid gym clothes and of course Sapnap was on the opposite team. I saw him whisper something to his friends then I heard a whistle. Suddenly dodgeballs were all coming my way at once. It hurt like crazy.

Next was Art lucky my favorite subject today we were painting quick drawings, but of course came Sapnap. "Nice painting" He said. "Oh uh thanks." "It would look better with THIS!" All of sudden he sprayed red paint all over my drawing. Great.

The rest of the day went by and it was time for lunch I wanted to sit with my brother but of course he was eating with his crush, Sapnap. I didn't have much other friends so I was walking towards the library when I  got a tap on the shoulder, "Hey I saw you were alone want to eat with me?" A brunette girl asked. "Of course, I-I um my name is Tina." I said smiling. "I'm Hannah nice to meet you, here sit down."

Lunch was good, but then it was the last period of the day science. And of course me and Sap got paired together for a project. I was doing everything myself of course. "Hey did you get the research done?" he asked. I decided to be brave, "No not yet, and maybe you should help." I said. "What did you say pip squeak?" he said. All of a sudden he punched me in my eye. It hurt like crazy, and of course the teacher didn't see. I tried my best not to cry and we left.

It was the end of the day and I covered my new black eye with my hand. I finally saw my brothers, "Hey Teenz!" Karl said. "Hey why are you covering your eye?" Dream asked worriedly. "Oh uh my contact just burnes that all, lets go" I said rushing past them.

(Karl POV)

Me and my siblings finally got home and I sat on the sofa to call Sapnap. Me and him have been really good recently and I really like, him and hopefully he likes me. I then called him, "Hello?" He asked."Uh hi!" I said. A/N: The rest is gonna be in a diffrent format to make it easier :)

K: How was your day?

S:It was good I had this stupid project I had to do, but I got this girl to do it for me. She is so annyoing

K: come on she can't be that bad Sap

S: No she is horrible she never does anything in PE, she does too much in art, and has A's in all her other classes it makes me sick

K: Come on, it sounds like you are jealous of this girl.

S: Me jealous no?

We both continued talking about nothing greally but it was good to hear his voice. All of a sudden I heard Tina come downstairs. "Hey teenz" I said. "Hey karl" she said in a low unenergetic voice. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Getting ice" she said. "for what?" "Nothing" she said then ran upstairs. hph what's going on with her? Maybe she is just having a bad day.

(Dream POV)

I had saw Tina coming upstairs with ice in a bag on her eye. If her contacts burned then why did she need ice. "Tina what happened." I asked. "I told you its nothing." she said trying to rush to her room. She walked into her room and shut the room. Now I was worried, what if she was hurt? What if someone hurt her? I knocked on the door , "Go away" She said. "Not untill you tell me what happened, tina." I said calmly, but on the inside i was really panicking. I then got impatient I needed to know what happend. I eventually bursted in the room, "Hey you know I could have been changing!" she said. "Oh please I changed your diapers." I noticed that she wiped her face off and her eyes were puffy, she most have been crying. I sat down on her bed next to her, "Now what's wrong?" I asked. "Dream its nothing I'm sure he didn't mean to-" She covered her mouth. He? Oh no who hurt my sister. "Tina what do you mean he didn't mean to?" She stayed quiet.

"Tina!" She flinched. "I'm sorry I just need to know what happened." I rubbed her back as I appoliged. "Ok I will tell you, but you have to promise not to anyone especially karl, and you have to promise not to do anything at school tomorrow." she asked. "I'll try." She then explained how Sapnap has been messing with her. She told me about PE and her art class. And how he got upset when she actually needed him to do something. Sapnap, it sounded familiar. Wait it was Karl's crush, that's why she didn't want me to tell him. I was furious. "Wait so when you say he got mad you mean-" I asked hoping what I was thinking wasn't true. "He uh- he punched me" she whispered.

There is no way I was frustrated no one is going to touch my little sister. I definitely will need to say a word or two to this guy, maybe not a word a fist. I pulled the ice off of her eye to see that she had a black eye. I gave her a hug, "look everything will be okay trust me." She nodded. Oh yes everything will be okay, I have to make sure he won't touch her again. I will make sure.


A/N: Don't like making chapters too long so pt.2 coming. Also if I miss any TW please tell me! Please give tips for me to better improve my writing! Give story ideas and I will give creds!

Eat,sleep treat yourself you are amazing! Stay safe and awesome!

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