Chapter 4

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Win had an expression of shock, confusion and Bright couldn't blame the boy for feeling that way. In all honesty Bright would feel the same. He doubt how can a twenty year old boy will handle this situation from now. If it was Bright he'd definitely walk out of the restaurant without turning his head back. or If ever he got pregnant in college he'd opt to go get abor.tion as soon as possible, for him was the most logical option available regardless how many people still feel it's wrong to choose something like that. But raising a child when you're not ready financially and emotionally cause more damage then just aborting a fetus. Bright statement was clear to Win. Anyone will be in Win shoe would leave and never return back. Win got lots of things to think in his life and to begin with it's his studies and career. Bright's wouldn't complain if Win run away now, because he doesn't want Win to stay as he'd hate to to act like a selfish person and drag a boy into his mess. Though he's repeating that he's all capable and all for raising a baby on his own but sure he is going to need emotional support from his friends but once he get hang of it and become a mommy, everything will easy from then on., It's just a matter of time.

Bright took the test and put it inside his bag. As he stated looking at Win "Alright now you know". Their eyes met just for few seconds and he could see the mixed emotions flashes in Win blue eyes which frankly Bright doesn't understand what it mean just like he doesn't know what going on inside Win's head. Maybe his brain stop thinking after hearing the news of maybe he's brain is still trying to process the whole situation. Bright wouldn't blame Win for anything... But now his job was done here and it's time he should leave the restaurant. The only thing Bright wanted to do it to get the hell out of this place and never see Win again in his life. He started praying as he prepare himself to get up from his seat chanting little prayer please don't let him stop me... please don't let him stop me.... As soon as Bright stands up from his chair Win came out of his trance and he called "Bright wait.... Don't leave like that ....please let's talk". Bright frown and ask "What do you want to talk Win?". Win look intently at Bright for few seconds then said in a pleading tone "Bright's, you can't drop the news on me and just leave like that. We need to talk".

Bright stayed still on his spot, blinking at Win. In response Win glance at Bright's face looking really guilty as he started shooting his question one after the another "Please sit back. I'm sorry. Are you ok? How do you feel?. Do you plan on keeping the  baby?". Bright froze hearing Win last question. He contemplate about what to respond, his mind started racing  thinking what if Win ask him to abort the baby but it's not like Bright want to do anything with Win, he'll be fine if decide not to participate in the journey. Bright sigh hard and look at Win face  The boy was nervously waiting for his answer and Bright started "I feel like shit these days. But that's to be expected in the early stage of pregnancy, right? And Yes. I was irresponsible and this was the consequence. Now that I have the baby, I'm going to keep it You don't have to take part in the baby's upbringing?. You can concentrate on your studies and live your life however you want I'd never interfere...". It's all on Bright afterall, Win hadn't done anything shady or taken advantage of him while he was drunk so it's okay. He doesn't want to scare Win any more. Win confusingly look at Bright and said in a firm tone "What are you saying. Of course I want to take care of you! I'll take responsibility as well. Whatever you decide, I'll do my best to help you. I want to raise the baby with you".

Bright jaw drop as he was stunned, did Win wants to take responsibility, what a joke. Bright shake his head in disbelief, he sat back on the chair then started explaining by leaning forward on the table "Look Win, I'm not here to drag you into this mess or make you feel responsible for whatever happened between us. I just wanted you to know that I'm pregnant with your child and I'm going to raise the baby on my own. I don't need you to support me, take care of me or even participate raising the child with me. I don't think you even could able to,... considering you're still in college and studying. You don't have to think about me or baby". Win look offended after hearing Bright's as he question clenching his jaw "Why do you say like that? I'm not some bum! Now that you told me about our baby and now you want me not to think about my baby? Ofcourse I want to be there with you for our baby". After saying Win continue to look at Bright in the eyes while Bright felt speechless and stayed still not saying anything because he doesn't know  what to say. He began to wonder regardless of the boy age he was very good looking, ma... No young adult boy. All of a sudden Win phone started ringing.  He quickly pick up and answered "Hello Krist?.... My shift starts at 6 today... I'll be there on time". Win put the phone back in his pocket.

He look at Bright who was still looking at him in silence. Win opened his mouth and he firmly stated  "Look Bright I want you to know that I want to be there with you throughout your pregnancy for our baby. I want to be in baby's life and want to watch him grow. I understand you probably don't like me or want to do anything with me but I really like you and want to take responsibility together". As soon as Win finish saying his phone once again started ringing and this time Win disconnected the call and look at Bright waiting for his answer. Bright frown and ask remembering the call "What about the shift? Do you work somewhere?". Win answered truthfully "I work in a supermarket 6 to 9 after classes". Bright scoffed "You work at supermarket. You're only 20. You've got other lot of things in life to deal with before you focus on taking care of a child". Win quickly retorted "I still want to try. I will put my classes a bit longer and help you with expenses by taking up several jobs. You don't have to worry about that".

At this point Bright was really confused, but in all honesty he was feeling relieved after hearing Win assurance instead of feeling anxious. Yes Bright really wanted Win to walk away from his life but he didn't do that. He wants to be there in the journey meaning Win wants to stay in their baby's life. Bright mind filled with endless thought about the future, about Win and about the baby. A baby is big responsibility and a life changing decision. There'll be endless responsibility once the baby is born. He has to change his lifestyle, his priorities, work schedule. Bright never imaging to get pregnant like this, even though at one point he wanted to settle down and make his own family, but falling in love was never on his list. He was never been dependent on anyone as well. He never imaging the young boy would come alongside to help him out and on top he'd want to share responsibility.

After thinking it through Bright started explaining softly and calmly "Win I don't want you to waste your future away just because of my carelessness. And I don't want uncertainty in my future. When your life is a bit more stable, I'll consider depending on you for your help financially, but until then let's just handle this separately. We can set up meetings during the pregnancy and you can help me when you feel you're able to pitch in. I'd appreciate that, but I believe you're also saving for college and stuff, so I'm not going to demand any financial help. Once the kid is born, then we'll figure out a schedule of who gets the baby, when, but until you finish focus on your studies and college, find a better job that can support both you and a kid because right now I'm not comfortable to rely on you to raise my child".

Win look at Bright for a moment then he muttered in very low voice "Don't you think you're looking down on me? I'm young, but I'm not an idiot to leave you alone when you're carrying my baby". Bright quickly retorted "I hardly know you. I'm not going to put my faith in someone I hardly know. You're still a stranger to me". Win insisted "So let's get to know each other! I already told you I like you. Why don't we try having a relationship?. Wouldn't it be better for the baby to grow up with both parents together?". Bright flatly stated "I don't want a relationship with you. I'm sorry, but I don't feel that way about you. And I'm not going to settle down with a college student and have a family just because baby happened. That's some life commitment I'm not going to make it carelessly. I will not stop you so we'll both be in the baby's life. I'm not going to keep the baby from you but I'm not ready to be with you together". After think it through it was clear that Bright didn't wanted Win as a partner or lover but he didn't wanted to stop him to stay as a father of his baby. Win tried again "It's hard to be a single parent Bright. Even if both of us are being single parents for the same child. Can't you at least try? Just Give me one chance?".

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