Chapter 7

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Everything was going smoothly with Bright. Mew and Singto were not just his business partner but also brothers, they took turned to handle orders and counter as they let Bright take rest in between the busy hours. Win dropped by at the Sunshine Cafe after couple of days later. It was almost 9 PM in the night when the Cafe door open and two students walk inside. Bright was taking orders while Singto was behind the Cash counter but when Bright was just about to greet the customer with wide smile his eyes immediately met with Win's. Win wave his hand mouthing "Hi",  Bright immediately turned around cursing under his breath, he wasn't expecting Win to visit this soon.  Singto was at the counter he glanced between Win and Bright curiously for a moment then as if lightening struck to him. He saw one guy was fimilar looking and he was  the same guy who came to meet Bright couple of days before, he's the father of Bright's baby. Bright walk towards Singto, behind the counter to ask switching places.  He murmured near Singto ear "Do you mind taking their order? I'm not in a mood to deal to him today". Singto happily replied "Yeah, sure". Win walk towards the empty table and sit with his friend.  Singto, pulled out his notepad and walk towards the two for taking their order. Win glanced at Bright direction and pouted when he saw Singto was coming to take their orders, but as soon as Singto reached with big wide smile greeting the two boys like they're friends for ever. At first Bright frown  at Singto he tried to listened their conversation here and there, and would glance over when he knew Win wasn't paying attention, too invested in talking to his friend and Singto.

Singto ask Win "You've come to our Cafe that day, right?".  Win answered "Yeah, I um...I came here couple of days back to meet Bright. I got pretty fond of the place and ... Also Bright". Win explained glancing over to the counter and meeting his eyes again with Bright. But the latter instantly look away.  Singto turned his attention to Win friend asking "I don't recall seeing your friend last time. Care to introduce us?". Win shift his attention back to Singto answering "Oh, of course! This is krist, my best friend and I'm Win ... we goes to same college. He really wanted to see this place and Bright so I brought him today". Singto extended his hand to shake towards Krist saying in gentlemanly tone "It's nice to meet you Krist. My name is Singto, you can call me Sing for short or whatever you like. I'd love anything".

Bright just rolled his eyes. Win had obviously just brought his friend because he wanted to have an excuse to come and meet him. Bright decided to ignore the two but after a while Bright glanced over Win table again and noticed that Krist was already borderline gawking at Singto, as the later was already settled down beside Krist. The poor boy was completely enthralled by his Friend while Singto was full on flirting with him. Bright had to hold back a laugh at the sight. Maybe Win was telling the truth and Krist really did want to come to their Cafe after all. It wasn't anything new to Bright but he always enjoy how skilled  Singto is, he has attracted plenty of men and women at their Cafe but the problem was he never actively tried to get to know them in serious way. This time Singto seemed taken a liking in Win's friend Bright concluded because it's been 20 minutes and he's still flirting and chatting non stop something Singto never really did before. Polite greetings and small talk was usually where he stopped but tonight seems different.

As the night went on, the Cafe became slightly less crowded. Singto made himself busy into a deep conversation with krist about some tv show, leaving both Win and Bright without their socializing partner. Mew was still in the kitchen, but he didn't like when Singto and Bright bothered him unnecessary at this hour, mainly because he might be on a video call with his boyfriend Gulf. And Not only that, but every spare moment he gets, he was usually texting to his clingy boyfriend. Bright sighed Singto was still busy so he decided and started doing some small clean up work by walking behind the counter. Suddenly someone walked over to him and sat on the other side of counter in front of Bright. When Bright looked up, he was faced with Win again staring at him with a somewhat nervous expression. Win softly said smiling widely "Hi". Bright sigh obviously he wasn't going to get escape easily from the boy, so the only thing he could do was put up with Win for now. Win ask "How are you feeling?". Bright answered "I'm Fine", Win trails off "That's good...". They fell in silence then after a moment of awkward silence Win ask "What's it like, working in your own business?". Bright raised his eyebrow after hearing Win question he wasn't expecting that "Hm?". Win quickly explain "I mean. You went to college and stuff already, right?.You guys are in a pretty good location though. Seems you get a lot of visitors. I was  just wondering how you handled everything so well".

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