Chapter 5

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Bright quickly retorted "I'm already have to rearrange my life to accommodate our baby but I'm not going to do it for you. I was drunk that night, so whatever happen between us was just an one night stand and nothing more. You don't need to force any chemistry between us when there's none". Win mumble sounding dejected and very sad "Maybe that's how it is for you". After saying Win look down, he doesn't know how to convince Bright anymore as he really like Bright since day one and somehow he wanted Bright as well with his child in his life. Bright sigh hard and look at his watch. He decided to give Win some time to think properly what is important for him. As of now he'd like to go back to his work rather than sitting here arguing with Win. Bright quickly get up from his seat and suddenly a wave of nausea hit him causing him to feel dizzy as he groan quietly and sit back down again.

Win worriedly ask "Bright a...are you ok? Do you want to go to doctor?". Bright muttered "No . But I have to go to work. I've to work hard while I still can. You don't have to bother". Win quietly said "You shouldn't push yourself... Shouldn't we talk more about this?". Bright grumble "What more is there to talk, We're just going in circles. I don't want to be in a relationship with you Win. We'll raise the baby together but I'm not planning to have any relationship with you". Bright quickly said "I'll call you with more details about my doctor's appointments and checks up as they come along but seriously you don't have to bother about it.... just concentrate on your studies and work. I'll manage everything". Win was getting annoyed at Bright stubbornness as he snapped back "That's all .....what you decided all by yourself for you and baby. But you haven't actually consider how I would feel!".

Bright really don't understand why Win was so adamant to have a relationship with him, it wasn't like he's in love with him, they hardly know each other. Here he's trying his best to lessen his burden but the naive boy just demanding opposite. Bright stated flatly "I don't understand why you're so stubborn. Look Win we both want completely different things. You want a relationship with me. And I'm really not ready to have one at the moment, specially when I'm pregnant Plus I'm more than happy to work with you to raise our child in future. We need to compromise few things that we'll discuss as time goes by. So yeah... That's it all I can agree for now...... I need to go to work and you have to go to attend your classes then work. We'll talk more later, ok?". Bright paid for his coffee and walk out of the restaurant without waiting for Win. He didn't spare another glance at Win u til he was all out of the restaurant. The disappointed, lost, pained expression on Win face began to make Bright feel weak which he doesn't like it at all. Once Bright came out of the restaurant he breathed a sigh of relief as he walk towards his car hurriedly. Bright get inside his car and started thinking that was one hard conversation he has with someone in ages. Thankfully for now it's somewhat over with Win but he still got one more to go. Bright knew he will have to talk to Win more in the future but just not right now he needed a small start with him. The next big hurdle ahead of him is telling Mew and Singto about his pregnancy also about Win situation.

Bright was really anxious about thinking what will happen with his work. His job involved being on his feet for long hours in Cafe. Mew mostly handle baking and cooking and stay mostly in the kitchen inside where as he and Singto take orders and serve food. Their Cafe is mostly located in a busy market area, as they closed almost after midnight after opening around 8 in the morning and being just three of them sometimes it gets hectic but there's nothing they couldn't manage. But now he won't be able to keep up as time went on in his pregnancy. All three of them had been putting the same amount of time and energy into the Cafe since years, as they were also planning to expand it and keep their Cafe going strong. If he had to back off, what will Mew and Singto will do?. Bright know he's only thinking about the worst possible scenario, but he was scared afterall it's just three of them handling the whole Cafe since Gulf left them.

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