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It was a week after I arrived at Hogwarts. I was still learning how to navigate the castle halls and passages via floo flames but sometimes everything looked the same. 

I began walking in the halls up the stairs from the Hufflepuff common room to rush to the Great Hall for breakfast. I was starving. Suddenly, I ran into Sebastian as the door opened. "Oh hey! Morning Aurora." He greeted me while walking beside me. He had a bunch of books tucked under his arm. I nodded. "Morning." I quietly said as we walked.

The Great Hall smelled like poached eggs, bacon, scones, and just about any pastry you could think about. I even smelled spiced apple cider and orange juice. I ran to my table and stuffed my plate to the brim. Wolfing the food down, I noticed a girl sitting slightly far away from me with short hair. She just kept staring at me, blinking. I swallowed and waved at her. She immediately got up and ran from the table. 

I looked around confused. Then another Hufflepuff student across from me stated, "Don't take it personally. She doesn't socialize with people." I took a couple more bites and nodded thinking about what just happened. "Oh? Who does she socialize with then?" I asked and then some other students giggled. I looked even more puzzled. 

Was it too obvious? Am I that stupid? What were these people on about?

I rolled my eyes and continued to scarf down my food. I gulped one goblet of pumpkin juice before looking at my pocket watch. I still had time to go wander about the castle before my afternoon class of potions. I nodded at the other Hufflepuffs before getting up to leave.

"Aurora! Wait up! I want to talk to you about something. Follow me!" Sebastian said as he tagged along. I rolled my eyes and began to follow him into the DADA building. We walked up the stairs and to this small corner below the next level of stairs.

I looked around confused. " this a jest? I don't understand." I asked and then Sebastian with a smirk, tapped his wand on the clock in front of us, causing it to open. I was in awe when it happened and nodded. I followed him in. 


It was a couple of weeks to the end of September after Sebastian introduced me to the Undercroft. I couldn't really grasp why Ominis threatened me. I felt uncomfortable about it for days even just being near him.

Sebastian found out that Ominis called me, at the moment, "Filthy Noisy Mudblood". He told me not to worry about him and that while Ominis was in the wrong, he was just angry at the wrong person.

Still, I felt as if it was my fault. I didn't even know what a 'Mudblood' was or if I was one. So much for being a 5th year and thinking my only worry was Ranrok. I thought to myself.

I didn't have any classes today, in fact, it was the weekend and I thought maybe walking to Hogsmeade would cheer me up. Just as I was adjusting my satchel I accidentally bumped into Ominis. I froze. I opened my mouth but nothing could come out.

"Ow!" He said in a muttering voice as he adjusted himself, pointing his wand toward me. "Would you watch where your- "

I cut him off mid-sentence, "I'm sorry Ominis! It won't happen again, it's my fault. I wasn't looking." I said, kneeling my head down, before walking past him and heading out to the center of the Courtyard, towards the gate. "Wait...Aurora? Hey, WAIT!" He said before speed-walking to catch up to me. I stopped in my tracks. I huffed.

"Look, you don't need to say anything. I get it, Ominis. You don't like me. It's fine. I won't bother you again..." This caused Ominis to look confused. His lips parted before looking at the ground.

To Love a Serpent - Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now