Bad Omens

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It was early the next morning when Poppy and I decided to have breakfast with Sebastian and Ominis. We all decided to become friends again and enjoy this last year together. We immediately sat down and helped ourselves to eggs, toast, pumpkin juice, plump breakfast sausages, scones, and freshly cut fruit.

After gulping down my first cup of pumpkin juice I began to force eggs and toast down my throat. I felt oddly hungry this morning as I knew I had to study later and also go to Advanced Divination with Ominis and Natty.

"Merlin Aurora, do you really have to eat so loudly?" Sebastian commented jokingly while he bit into a green apple. I stuck my tongue out.

"Well I mean it is better she is eating anything at all. Just don't forget to chew and swallow." Ominis commented while he was using his wand to read a book.

Something with the food on my plate tasted off like it lacked flavor and tasted spoiled. "Mmm, does anyone else think the food tastes funny?" I say, continuing to dive into the fresh fruit. They all looked at me as if I was crazy, shaking their heads. "No? Hmm, must be my nerves then." I finally said before biting into a juicy red apple. It tasted relatively sour for a red but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

"So you excited for Advanced Divinations? I heard you got to have a sneak peek at Ilvermorny in America." Poppy asked me while she ate small bites of her toast. I nodded while having my third cup of pumpkin juice. "Honestly, it is a fascinating class. I'm surprised that Professor Onai even recommended me for it."

"Hmph, well I hardly understand why I need to take this class. I'm rubbish at most things besides Charms, Muggle Studies, and Herbology." Ominis said, chuckling to himself whilst continuing to read.

I look down at my pocket watch before looking at the Gryffindor table. Garreth waved at me, munching on his piece of scone before getting up. "Well, I'm gonna go study before class, anyone can join me." I grab another piece of fruit off of Ominis's plate before getting up to leave.

"Do you think she's up to something?" Sebastian asks Poppy, his eyes squinting while he drinks his juice.

Poppy laughs. "We've known her for how long? Of course, she's up to something but at least it isn't battling goblins or dark wizards." Ominis's brow raises, his eyes shifting as he looks at the direction of the Great Hall doors. His gaze then falls back to his book, turning another page.


"Okay, Garreth, you want to be a master of charms?" I said to him, waving my wand in his face as we both were standing on opposite sides in the Crossed Wands area.

" is us dueling going to help me pass my NEWTs?" He asks me, looking around confused while scoffing.

I smirked. "Well, in dueling one can use defensive spells or regular charms such as this..." I answer him before turning around to face the training dummies.

"Levioso! Diffindo! Flipendo!" I say casting the spells and nearly destroying the first dummie. "See?" I gesture my wand and he nods at me slowly.

"Levioso! Uh uh...Incendio!" Garreth shouted in a panic at the dummie. I stand by him and observe, nodding.

"Great! Now, don't forget to use basic wand casts as well to add more damage." I instructed him.

"So this is what you meant by studying?" I heard Ominis say as he walks in slowly and stands next to Lucan Brattleby.

"Well, not for my benefit, for Weasley's." I shrugged before casting.

"Accio! Confringo! Descendo!" I shouted to the dummie but accidentally targeted all of them, causing immense damage. My eyes widened. What the hell just happened? Did my vision just blur for a moment?

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