The Serpent

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I crane my neck up, eyes widening. I could suddenly feel my eye twitching. What did he want now?

"There's no use in showing him, he's still going to mess it up." The rude guy with blue silver eyes said out loud, causing others to laugh around Garreth and me. I shot him a death glare. I shook my head before turning back to Garreth's attention.

"Don't mind him. He's just upset that HE HIMSELF, cannot even brew potions. I'm not the only sorry sod in this school, you know?" Garreth whispered to me noticing that I was clenching my jaw a bit. I softened my face, looking at him confused. I whispered back, "How do you mean?" while I gesture to how to mix the cauldron slowly so as to not overmix.

Garreth then whispers in my ear, "He's blind. He can't exactly see what he's doing." I nodded and "Wowed" at him, finally understanding. Just then as I continued to cut more of the ingredients, the blade accidentally nips at my hand followed by an "Ow!" I said to myself. Garreth notices and panics a bit. "You alright?" He asked and notices a large cut on my right pointer finger. He nods. Everyone then gets up and notices my hand injury.

"Don't worry Garreth, it's just..." I said, slightly wincing, as the blood drips quite quickly before Garreth finds a cloth around the room so he could wrap it before Professor Sharp noticed. "There, is that better?" He asked and I nodded awkwardly.

"Hmm. Seems like someone isn't as crafty as they think with potions. Such a shame and I was beginning to think you had something." The same person with the same snarky attitude respond, chuckling while he sat there in his chair, mixing his cauldron. That hurt me. I didn't know what his problem was or why he kept making those comments toward me. I had no idea who he was and frankly, I didn't care.


With the clothe tightly wrapped around my injured finger, I cleaned up my potions space, grabbed my book, and quickly left in front of everyone. I just wanted to leave before I had to endure more comments from someone who has the attitude of a Crabbe apple. Whoever he was, definitely not as friendly as some of the other Slytherins I've met.

It was nearly lunchtime, my stomach was growling, and I didn't sleep as well as I had liked last night after my first day. I trekked rather quickly up the stairs and made my merry way to the Great Hall before I passed by a floo flame where HE was standing next to, dusting himself off. I rolled my eyes, walking past him but then he said, "Wait." I stopped in my tracks, faking a smile, blinking. 

"What? What could you possibly want?" I spat at him while moving his wand around from my direction, annoyed. He nodded, slightly smiling but then it faded. "I see my comments are...leaving you rather distressed." I inhaled sharply. He then looked down, nodding at my silence. 

"Look, can you make this quick? I'm hungry, I skipped breakfast and frankly, I'm exhausted from not sleeping." I jumped to the point in the conversation. "What?" He looked confused, and his smile faded. I then looked around confused as well because I had no idea where this conversation was going. "What?" I responded. "You didn't eat breakfast? What kind of person doesn't eat breakfa-" I cut him off.

"The kind of person who has nightmares. The kind of person who slips up one time. ONE TIME, mind you. In potions and cuts herself deep." I said gritting my teeth while waving my injured wrapped hand around in his face. Oh wait, he can't see. That's right.

He nods slowly and then holds his hand out in my direction. Huh? What was he doing? I noticed his rather icy demeanor change suddenly. "Let me see your hand.." I looked around to make sure little to no one was watching and placed my hand in his. I winced making a hissing sound in my mouth. He noticed and then placed his wand on my injury. I looked at him and heard him whispering to himself, his eyes concentrating sternly as warmth enveloped my hand. 

He immediately unwrapped my hand and my cut was vanishing before my eyes. I pulled my hand away from his slowly in awe. "W-what? How?" I looked dumbfounded. I bit my lip and nodded. " That was...unexpected." I responded. He then lowered his wand and turned away from me.

"Don't mention it." He quickly responded. Before he turned towards the direction of the Great Hall, his head craned towards me. "I'm Ominis, by the way. Ominis Gaunt." Before I answered, he walked further away, leaving me standing there. What the hell just happened? I have a feeling I'll be asking that question constantly this school year. I thought to myself.


This constant random contact with Ominis went on for a couple of days this first week. He would randomly show kind gestures to me and sometimes he would act cold towards me if I greeted him. It was confusing and after talking to Sebastian about it, I was still confused. Funny enough, so was he.

Suddenly it was Thursday, the end of my first week, and the last class I had to attend on my schedule was "History of Magic" with Professor Binns. I've heard rampant rumors about how he puts you to literal slumber which to me of course I didn't mind. I haven't slept nearly half as much as I liked.

Ever since my late arrival with Gringotts and the troll attack, my whole perception has changed. My fears eating at me nightly. Slowly, I walk into finding everyone already clutching their desks as if their lives depended on it. Constant yawns echoed throughout the room. I looked around anxiously and noticed all the seats had been taken, except for one and it was next to Ominis.

I dropped my satchel containing my books on the table, causing Ominis to sit right up, yawning. I immediately sat down in silence, looking around, and fidgeting with my hands. Funny enough, I wasn't feeling as tired as everyone was just yet. My stomach did however make itself known creating what I can only describe as whale noises. Ominis glanced over. "Aurora?" He asked causing me to look at him. "Hm?" I responded.

"Did you skip breakfast...again?" He asked. He had a sad look on his face this time or at least I think he did. He used his arm to raise his head from falling on the table. I sighed. "I wasn't hungry sadly not even for an apple and I normally enjoy them," I said to diffuse the awkwardness. "Is it your nightmares again?" He then replied, adjusting himself. His eyes were shifting, not quite still.

"It's nothing. Really." I said, feeling my own lie break my heart inside. It was something but I lied because it felt silly to dwell on something small as nightmares. "Aurora..." He responded with sincerity but as soon as he was about to say more Professor Binns appeared. Everyone went silent while Binns dove into a slow and long lecture about the Goblin Rebellion that occurred nearly hundreds of years ago. Immediately everyone continued to yawn including Ominis.

I pulled out an empty book of parchment and began to write down notes with my quill. I was surprised that only I wasn't affected by the slowness of Binns. This meant more time for me to take notes without pressure. Suddenly, as the lecture goes on I find my eyes finding it hard to stay open. My head slumps over and I let go of my quill. Ominis notices and tries to poke me to wake up instead he, like all others in the classroom dose off into sleep. 


 You know what's funny? Writing about how sleepy everyone got in Professor Binns classroom made me sleepy in turn. It was a fun little sidequest for sure. Wish more sidequests were classroom related. Anyways, is Ominis going to stay nice? :P Find out next chapter

- Savthebun09

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