Dearly Departed

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It was nearly nightfall when Ominis sent me an OWL regarding Anne's worry for her brother. Not only did I manage to fight my way into the deepest depths of the Catacombs to try and reason with Sebastian, but so did Solomon. He apparated behind me, trying to duel both Sebastian and me however, things took a turn for the worst.

The last thing I remember was Solomon casting Levioso on me to get me away from the crossfire of him and Sebastian. I, however, hit my head too hard against the walls of the Catacombs.

I was out for what seemed like a second for me but minutes for those two. Everything was muffled. A painful ringing in my ear followed by a flash of green in my blurry vision caused me to pass out again. It wasn't until Sebastian slumped me over his shoulders out of the Catacombs while he angrily cried out in pain that I woke up again.

Apparently, we sat outside the entrance for a while. I noticed Sebastian was trying to understand why he did what he did. He assumed he had no choice and that his reasons were good. I however knew that Sebastian was scared. I move myself to get up slowly, grabbing my wand and my head. "Merlin...if I take any more blows to the head I swear I'm going to explode," I grumbled until Sebastian stopped.

My eyes became fixated on him and the look on my face was a mixture of disappointment and grief. I had no idea how to react. He had just killed his uncle. I could've stopped him if his bloody uncle hadn't nearly moved me.

I nodded to myself. "Sebastian, just lay low for a while, okay? I'll figure something out. I don't care if you meant it or not. Merlin knows you were scared and angry, but you're just a child. Just go and hide." I ordered him with a low stern voice.

He hesitated and began to walk towards me but I pointed my wand at him. "Go." He then backed away slowly, disappearing from my view. I blasted basic wand casts all around me in frustration. Kicking the rocks near me and throwing them.

I could've stopped him. I should've stopped him. 

Why did he have to go so far? 

Anne will surely want him in a prison cell, right? 

But Sebastian is a child...he didn't know any better, right?

All these piling thoughts in my head began to make me feel sick as I let out one final blast from my wand, splitting a tree in half. 


  As I floo flamed back to Hogwarts, I avoid everyone using Dissullionment, heading for the Undercroft where I found Ominis anxiously waiting. I remove the spell, revealing myself. I was silent and walked past him and leaned against a pillar. "I went to go stop Solomon from going to the headmaster but when I got to Feldcroft, Anne was crying over Solomon's body." He began.

I crossed my arms, disappointed in myself. "Sebastian killed his uncle...she said." I closed my eyes painfully and felt my hand pinch the higher part of my nose, sighing.

"I tried to stop Sebastian, believe me. I wanted to but Solomon got to me first insisting it wasn't my fight." I responded, my voice shuddering in shame.

"I never thought Sebastian would go this far. I don't want to lose him. He's one of my oldest friends." He said as he inhales sharply before slamming his fist on a table, causing me to jump.

"I'll have to talk to Anne about what she may suggest we do...till then, I don't know. Look for my OWL." He finally said but before he began to walk away in frustration, I attempted to hug him but he relented. He gently moved my hands away, shaking his head.

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