Sheltered Tensions

754 37 15

**WARNING: Detailed SMUT**


The light beaming down on my face from a crack in the cave squints my eyes, blinking as I wake up. I look around and realized what just happened. I heard water and heard rain along with spurts of thunder.

My hands were blistered even with my fingerless gloves on. I inhaled sharply, sore all over. I crawl towards where I heard the rush of water and felt a cave river. I dipped my hands into the water and splashed it on my face, even drinking some of it.

Suddenly I heard a groan from behind me. It was Ominis. I have almost forgotten he trailed along with me on what was originally a Christmas Holiday for us both in Surrey, which turned dangerous mission. Ominis, why couldn't you have left me alone? You should've gone back to your family.


**Flashback to 40 minutes ago**

"Aurora, how long have you been keeping track of Rookwood?" Ominis spat at me while we were outside, away from the house.

I sighed. "How long?" He asked again causing a fit of anger to boil up inside me. "Since the beginning of summer." His expression was of mere disappointment while he scoffed. I squinted my eyes at him, annoyed.

"You really want to argue about secrets right now? Because from what I've seen you and Sebastian have kept your bloody fair share." I growled back at him, shoving him lightly before walking away. He grumbled towards me, attempting to grab me but I shove him away. "Don't, I've had enough of this." Before I gazed at Ominis, the strangers returned, circling us. "Oh, shit..." I whispered causing Ominis's eyes to shift before his wand instinctively communicates that we are surrounded.

 The next what seemed like mere seconds, turned to minutes of silent wand waving and spell casting. Ominis and I had our backs touching, navigating our hand-to-hand spell work. "Confringo!" I shouted before blocking with Protego Maxima. "Depulso! Stupefy! Descendo!" Shouted Ominis as he effortlessly managed to hit two targets. Since when did he get so good at dueling? He's not even hesitating with his spells.

I had my satchel in my hand and summoned my broomstick. As I mounted it, Ominis proceeded to follow, wrapping his arms around me tightly. We flew high above the clouds, in the hope to flee from a never-ending battle until the sky was shaking.

"Uh...Aurora, what was that?" Ominis nervously shouted to me while the loud roar echoed around us. "Um, don't lose your wits but it sounded like a..." I trailed off in reply until my eyes widened. An adult Hungarian Horntail dragon with the red magic enchanted collar was in front of us.

"DRAGON!" I yelled before leaning forward to pick up the speed of my broom. Ominis's grip grew tighter around me as my broom flew up and down, even upside down to avoid the crossfire. Shit. Shit. Shit.

I look down and notice a forest area with small hills only a short way from Surrey so I quickly flew down. Before I could even get us down, a dark wizard apparating by us, blasts us both off the broom, crashing us onto the ground. Ominis still conscious enough pulls me closer, unconscious while using his wand to apparate us away before the dark wizard got closer.


I noticed his face was full of small cuts and his hair was messier than before. I'm not surprised he had stopped combing it for 7th year. I sigh and splash water toward him.

To Love a Serpent - Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now