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It was the beginning of November and Autumn had already arrived. Everything in Hogwarts was colored orange, red, brown, and yellow. This morning for DADA, Professor Hecat thought it would be prudent for us to be more active with our spells so she brought us all outside where we stood before an ordinary wooden crate.

"Now, imagine you are in a predicament like stuck in a tight but flexible spot, what must one do to break free?" She asked as she opened the block to demonstrate.

"For wooden crates such as these, Bombarda, Reducto, and or sometimes Diffindo can be useful. Avoid any flaming type spells as you might burn yourself." We all glanced at each other before she came over closer to us. "So who wants to volunteer? It's completely harmless." She asked.

Garreth then raised his hand slowly before he waltz over inside the crate with the lit shutting tight. "It is quite cozy in here..." We heard him comment whilst he prepared to cast.

"Diffindo! Expulso!" He shouted and then suddenly, one area of the crate began to break free, peaking his head out.

"Excellent strategy Mr. Weasley but next time focus on all the sides and not just one. Anyone else?" Professor Hecat commented while freeing Garreth and fixing the crate.

Poppy nudged me but I shook my head profusely because I already felt sick this morning. I couldn't even sleep properly last night. These headaches are becoming frequently annoying.

Despite my protest Professor Hecat called on me to which I frowned, groaning. I walked up and faked a smile before slowly entering the crate, my eyes lingering on everyone.

The door immediately locked itself, leaving me in the dark. I pull out my wand and try to focus on destroying all the walls. "Reducto!" I shouted but for some reason my wand rebounded the spell back at me, slamming my body against the wall. The crate moved slightly.

Frustrated, I got up and moved my wand again. "Diffindo!" I shouted however the spell rebounded on me, and small cuts slashed across my arms. What is happening? None of my spells are working again?

The air inside began to feel hot and stuffy leaving me tired. I then with all my might used Ancient Magic to free myself from the box but as the blue hue spread it rebounded into me, flipping me and the crate on itself.

"Ms. Hemlock? Do you need assistance?" Professor Hecat questioned me however as I tried to get up and stand, the pressured pain returned to me, leaving me struggling to breathe, nearly choking. Must. Get. Out.

I try to cast spells around me to free myself but nothing seemed to function. I instead throw my body around. My thoughts themselves became jumbled.

I finally let out a blood-chilled scream, having my body release blood-red ancient magic to have a last-ditch effort to release me from the crate but instead, I fell on the ground, letting go of my wand.

Blood was dripping from my nose, as my body curled up in pain. I don't know what to do. Why is this happening again? I can't breathe. I can't breathe. The last thing I thought before passing out was Ominis. Ominis, help me.


My eyes kept opening and closing as I felt the brisk wind blowing in my face. I was being carried rather quickly.

He came. He really came for me. Somehow, looking at the stern face of Ominis whilst carrying me into the halls of school made my stomach flutter. He managed to floo flame twice to make it to the Hospital wing again, dropping me on the bed.

To Love a Serpent - Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now