Winter Begins

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It was transitioning from Autumn to Winter and the entire Hogwarts Valley was covered in a thick blanket of snow. Everyone was talking about Christmas and spending time with families, something I couldn't relate to. I hadn't seen Ominis in a while and if I did, it would usually be because of Sebastian. My mind was occupied with other things than friendship.

After completing 2 of the trials from the Keepers, I felt exhausted and this sense of danger. No matter what I did, I ended up being reckless. I even had to make sure Sebastian wasn't being reckless for Ominis's sake but something inside me is telling me I'm too late.

I ended up sitting at the Three Broomsticks in a corner drinking Butterbeer by the window. I didn't feel like studying in the library or going to lunch. I wasn't hungry. I barely ate. I had just dealt with Ranrok killing his own brother, Lodgok, in front of me and now I was worried about Rookwoods intentions changing since Ranrok betrayed him. I felt this bitterness.

I was two butterbeers in before Sebastian and Ominis waltzed in. They were laughing and talking about something however I just continued to glance out the window. I had no expression once I noticed the kids playing outside and the villager's decorations with Yuletide colors. I pull out 5 galleons and left them on the table before I got up to walk out.

Sebastian tried waving at me, to make conversation but I was in deep thought to notice. As soon as I walked out I started walking North of Hogsmeade.

"I wouldn't worry Sebastian. She's been in since morning actually. Not only was she a help cleaning the place up but she and I conversed. She seemed troubled with something." Sirona says as she cleans her space. 


Walking in the deep snow in dark thoughts, I realized how far I had trekked and looked at an Ashwinder camp up ahead. I gulped and looked around, deciding if I should fight or flee. Before I take a step forward a voice behind me stops me. "Wait..." I turn around. It's Sebastian and Ominis. "Aurora, what are you doing? Where are you going? Why haven't you been answering my OWLs?" Sebastian asked but I glanced over at Ominis.

"Ranrok..." I mumbled, looking down. "What about Ranrok?" Sebastian asked, his eyes were full of concern. My hands formed into fists, shaking with tremors. I gritted my teeth.

"He killed Lodgok and I was too late to stop him. I fled. I ran like a coward." I finally said. Then I turn away from them and began walking towards the camp. "Stay out of my way." I said to them. 

As soon as I got near the camp I immediately cast Diffindo on two Ashwinders and used my Ancient Magic to be destructive on their entire encampment. I didn't care at the moment. I was angry. I felt cheated. I started casting Incendio and setting everything ablaze, leaving one Ashwinder at the mercy of me. I looked down at him. My eyes squinted. "Mercy....please...mercy..." He begged.

"Mercy? From an Ashwinder Executioner?" I said, scoffing. I waved my wand around and poked his face. "Where was a mercy when you and your lot captured and killed beasts? Where was your mercy when you killed Mr Bickle?" I screamed at him, I could feel blue magic escape my wand as I rose it high to the ground.

"Where was a mercy when Ranroks loyalists made all the Hamlets unsafe? Killing left and right? Killing their own kind? Where was mercy then, huh?" I spat at him.  For a sudden moment, I realized what I was doing. I lowered my hand and backed away. But something more inside me snapped. I whipped my wand around and cast blue lighting from the skies using my Ancient magic onto the Ashwinder. He was obliterated.

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