Near Death

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It was the beginning of February, After running some errands in nearby Hamlet, I decided to walk down a path during the afternoon instead of flying my broom as usual. I then heard a commotion in the forest I was walking next to. I noticed a small camp of poachers arguing about how someone allowed a child to steal their hippogriffs. Wonder if they have insight on Rookwood and Harlows current whereabouts? I should get closer to listen. I thought to myself.

I tried to crouch and get a closer look into what they were discussing until I stepped on a branch. Shit. I thought to myself and tried to back away as quietly as I could. I turned around a saw them approach me.

"Well well well, if it isnt THE child that ruins our poaching." Said an Ashwinder. I gulped and nearly tripped getting. I got out my wand and noticed at least 4 more showed up.

"Awe, look at the little lamb. Lost from Hogwarts?" Another one laughed, whining like a child.I looked in my pockets to see if I had any wiggenweld left. I had none. Not even a thunder brew to spare. Dammit, I really should've bought some from that traveling vendor.

Just then I had been hit with Reducto twice, causing me to crawl away. Then I quickly summoned my broom from my satchel to see if I could flee. I got up and quickly mounted my broom and flew up as high as I could. 

"Glad to be rid of them..." I said to myself outside. Suddenly as I'm flying towards Hogwarts over the lake, I noticed 2 Ashwinders following me in the air. I tried to fly faster above the lake to get rid of them but to no avail, I kept getting hit to the point my broom bristles were burning. SHIT. SHIT SHIT.

I pull out my wand and try hitting them with Confringo, Stupify, & Diffindo. I ended up getting my Diffindo spell knocked back at me, cutting my face. I tried to fly faster and around them.

Out of instinct, I used my Ancient Magic and flew near the school, and flung a giant piece of old cobblestone at one. Killing him. I swing my broom around and above the school only for the other Ashwinder to sneak attack me and summon a spell creating lightning bolts to attack me. At first, he missed.

Then I started to feel exhausted, and out of breath, from flying and just flew above to the clouds to hide however, suddenly I was struck. I felt paralyzed and I fell off my broom. I can't move. I can't think.  All I remember was suddenly plunging into the deep waters of the lake.


The windows of the Slytherin common room began to shake as the water rippled immensely. A startled Imelda ran to the windows of Slytherin's common room and noticed something was in the water.

"Is that....MERLIN, that's Aurora! She's in the lake!" She shouted which caused everyone to run over. "Why isn't she moving?" Said one student. All of a sudden Ominis came out of his dorm and into the common room where he heard voices.

"We need to alert a teacher. She might be dead!" Said a student. Imelda looked outside in worry and then pushed through everyone.

"Ominis, Sebastian....come with me." She ordered them as they slowly followed up. As both of them reluctantly followed her, Ominis questioned,  "What do...what's going on? Sebastian? Imelda? What is happening? Why do I keep hearing Aurora's name?"

"I think it's better if we find out! Just follow me, I have a plan." Imelda responded sharply.


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