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First of all, I want to thank you all for the 4.4k reads, 262 votes, and comments on this fanfiction. I never thought this would get so much hype, like for real. <3 I'm so glad a lot of you added this to your reading lists and such. I enjoy writing this and honestly, the story is going to get more detailed and interesting. It's a slice of life, ya know? But with violence, romance, action, and magic. Stay tuned! :D

P.S. If the updates are slower than usual, I apologize in advance. I'm trying to pace myself when I write these chapters because I want to give you the best possible story while trying not to burn myself out of creativity.

- Savthebun09


"Professor, what is your final thought on what's been happening to me?" I ask nervously while sitting in his office, him across from me while the afternoon rain continues to splatter against the windows. 

He sighs, nodding. "The poison remedies I gave you did eradicate whatever was harming you from the inside. However, I believe there is more to the picture. Whoever is doing this to you is doing it deliberately. They want to weaken you...but as to why, I do not know." He responded, clearing his throat. 

"I see. Then what should I do in the meantime? This is my last year at Hogwarts sir." He glances up at me, his brows furrowing while he combes his hair using his hand. 

"I will consult Professor Weasley, Hecat, and Onai. They all seem to have witnessed firsthand these events occurring to you and you only. Onai may have more insight into your Grim prediction. Before this meeting of ours ends, is there anything else you wish to tell me?" His brow raises with suspicion. 

Should I tell him about my dreams? The sound of a child crying? Dreams can't be riddled with truth, surely? Perhaps a sleeping draught would do me some good? Ugh, Aurora, just talk to him.

"Professor, might I inquire you about my dreams? You see, they began long before the term began but I never quite thought anything of it..." I started to which Sharp paused. "But, they keep occurring. It is always the same dream but it doesn't make sense."

Professor Sharp leans forward, his chin resting on his hands. I bit my lip a bit, somewhat feeling confused and ashamed of my dreams. "In the dream, I'm watching it from the corner of this bedroom. I don't recognize it at all. I then see a child. A crying baby covered in blood is being ripped away from the mother, I presume and then see a flash of green. I always wake up after the flash of green." Fidgeting with my hands, I look around anxiously.

"If I may, perhaps you ought to place this dream in a vial for viewing in a pensieve. A different perspective may clear things up however, I won't know for sure until after talking to the other professors. Continue taking sleep draughts. Small doses only and focus on your classes." He orders me before we both get up and leave his office.


At lunch in the Great Hall, all I did was stare at the bowl of vegetable spiced soup, barely lifting the spoon to savor it. Not even a crumb of bread made it to my mouth. The sound of a baby crying? Was the green flash the killing curse? Who was the person that died? Does my Ancient Magic give me the ability of foresight? No, surely not, only seers can do that. Maybe there is a prophecy in the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic? 

"Hello...Aurora? Hello?" I heard a muffled voice call out to me, causing me to blink looking forward. It was Sebastian waving his hands in my face. "Huh?" I said out loud, looking around.

To Love a Serpent - Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now