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It was 2am when Jude woke up to a pillow hitting his face. "Ow, the fuck was that for?" He said throwing the pillow away. "Jude, my water broke we need to go." Jenna said trying to get out of bed. Jude rushed up to get ready. "Can I have some help getting up please?" Jenna asked. "Oh, shit, yeah sorry." Jude went back into the room and helped her up. They'd had the hospital bag in the car for days in case she went into labour, so all they had to do was get dressed and go.

Once dressed, they made their way to the hospital and got settled in. The midwife came in to check on how she was going, from what she could see, they were going to be waiting a while.

"Are you excited?" Jude said trying to distract jenna from the pain. "Of course I am, it would be psychotic if I wasn't." She replied. "I'm just trying to distract you from the pain, I want to help." Jude then sighed. "You being here is helping, and I don't think anyone could be distracted from this kind of pain." Jenna said as another contraction hit. She squeezed Judes hand until the contraction stopped. "Is holding your hand helping?" He said laughing. Jenna rolled her eyes and smiled. "When do you think I'll be able to get an epidural?" Jenna turned her head to look at Jude. "Right now." The anaesthetist said walking into the room with her team. Jenna was given the epidural and after around 15 minutes, her pain when right down.

After 6 hours, jenna and Jude were getting sick of waiting, and when the midwife came in to see how dilated jenna, they were told they had to wait longer as she was only 7cm. "Since when did this take so long, in the movies it's like 2 minutes?" Jude said getting frustrated. "Well as an expert on this kind of subject, the movies don't always tell the truth." Jenna replied sarcasticly. When she looked up jenna noticed that Jude was nearly a sleep but was trying to stay awake. "Jude, go to sleep." She said rubbing the side of his face. "No, what if something happens? I want to be with you the whole time and be here for you, not asleep." He replied yawning. "Ok, how about you move your chair closer this way so that if you do fall asleep you can lean on my bed." Jenna said, reluctantly he did so an was asleep in 5 seconds.

While Jude was asleep, Jenna decided to call her mother. "Hey mom" jenna greeted "Hey how are you?" "Um, I'm good, I'm in the hospital, I went into labour at 2 this morning and we have been waiting ever since." She replied. "Oh, why didn't you tell me? We could have been there, we have only been staying down the road from you guys." Her mum then said. "We were a bit preoccupied and I just want Jude here and no one else, well when he wakes up." "What do you mean wakes up?" Her mum questioned. "He has been up since 2 this morning, and only went to sleep like 30 minutes ago, and reluctantly at that, I got an hour or to but he wanted to be up and with me the whole time." She then looked back at Jude who was still out like a light. "Ok, well, ring us when you want us to come and we will be right there." He mum said. "Ok, I will. Talk later." "Bye". Jenna hung up the phone and got another half hour of sleep.

She then woke up to Jude tapping her on the shoulder. "Hey, wake up, they want to check where your at." Jude said lightly shaking jenna. Jenna woke up an the midwife checked where she was up to. "Ok, well good news, your 10 centimetres, I'll get the team, we can prep and start pushing." The midwife left the room. "Jude" Jenna then said once the midwife was gone. "Yeah?" "I don't know if I am ready." Jenna started to get scared. "Hey, of course your ready, you have been ready since you found out that you were pregnant, I'll be with you the whole time ok." Jude kissed jenna to comfort her. Jenna nodded.

After a few minutes the team was in the room and it's time for jenna to give birth. "Ok, I'll count down from 3, when I get to one I want you to push until I say stop." The doctor said. "Jenna." Jude said before she started. "Yeah?" Jenna turned her head to look at him. "I promise to be right here the whole time, squeeze my hand as hard as you need to, I promise to you that it will be all done soon and we will have a little baby, I believe in you, ok?" Jude said to her. Jenna nodded as she started to tear up. Jude quickly gave jenna a kiss before sitting down again.

Jude Bellingham x Jenna Ortega | I'm sure we can make it work Where stories live. Discover now